Cristobal J. Alex — the Operative Leading Biden’s Open Borders Team
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The Biden disaster on our southern border was taking shape even before Joe Biden was inaugurated. Shortly before Christmas, top Biden advisors Susan Rice and Jake Sullivan went on the world’s largest Spanish language newswire service, EFE, to send a message throughout Mexico and Latin America.

The message? Come one, come all, because the incoming Biden presidency soon would be reversing all the “inhumane” immigration policies of the Trump administration.

On January 5, President-elect Biden reinforced that message with the appointment of three militant Latino activists from Texas to high posts in his inbound administration: Cristobal J. Alex, Emmy Ruiz, and Adrian Saenz. These and other radicals appointed by Biden helped formulate the open-borders policies that are now inundating our borders with an unprecedented flood of humanity.

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Cristobal J. Alex, whom Biden has appointed as his deputy cabinet secretary, is deserving of special attention. His appointment was not surprising, inasmuch as Alex had resigned his position as president of the hugely influential political organization Latino Victory in 2019 to join the Biden campaign as an advisor. In bringing Alex on board, Biden not only bagged an A-Lister in Latino politics, but one with close ties to LGBTQ heavyweights in the Democrat Party. Alex also has good Dark Money connections, having worked for both George Soros and the Ford Foundation. While Soros has taken the limelight in recent years, the Ford Foundation continues to lavish massive funding on subversive organizations, including those that claim to represent Hispanics and immigrants. Radical organizer Henry Santiestevan, former head of the Southwest Council of La Raza, acknowledged the foundation’s indispensable role when he noted: “It can be said that without the Ford Foundation’s commitment to a strategy of national and local institution-building, the Chicano movement would have withered away in many areas.” Indeed, as we have noted in previous articles, it would hardly be an exaggeration to say that the Ford Foundation is the “Chicano movement,” having showered tens of millions of dollars on it over the past few decades. 

Latino Victory INC.

Cristobal J. Alex co-founded Latino Victory with actress/activist Eva Longoria and Latino-LGBTQ activist Henry J. Munoz III (a former chairman of the National Finance Committee for the Democratic National Committee). Latino Victory (LV) is comprised of three subsidiaries:  the Latino Victory Fund, a political action committee; the Latino Victory Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit;  and, the Latino Victory Project, a 501(c)4 nonprofit.

According to watchdog website, “LV’s top officials, Board members, and National Committee members are uniformly leftist and pro-Democrat in their political orientation.” Their resumes also show high-level involvement with Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Planned Parenthood, George Soros, and the Ford Foundation. The following examples are a portion of those provided by Discover The Networks from Latino Victory’s 2017-18 annual report:

Sara Le Brusq has also worked for the Ford Foundation and for philanthropist George Soros.

Jorge Silva was the National Director for Hispanic Media in Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, and had previously headed Hispanic Media Operations for Senate Democrat Harry Reid.

Monica Garcia has served variously as Senator Dick Durbin ‘s National Press Secretary, Senator Harry Reid’s Press Secretary for Hispanic Media, and President Barack Obama ‘s National Translation Coordinator.

Abby Loisel was an organizer for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Megan Nashban was a fundraising manager at Hillary For America (2016).

Stuart Appelbaum has been a high-ranking official with the AFL-CIO and several other labor unions, and was appointed by Governor Andrew Cuomo to the Regional Economic Development Committee for New York City.

Kyle Ferrari-Munoz was a member of Hillary For America’s National Finance Committee in 2016.

Both Regina Montoya and Cynthia Telles held various positions in the Bill Clinton White House, and are currently Board members with the Mexican-American Legal Defense Education Fund.

Imaad Zuberi co-chaired President Barack Obama’s National Finance Committee.

Adrian Saenz served as a Special Assistant and Senior Adviser to President Obama, and as a Senior Adviser at Organizing For Action.

Melissa Mark-Viverito was Speaker of the New York City Council from 2014-17, and is a close political ally of Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Olac Fuentes has been a fundraiser and finance specialist for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.

Leading Latinos Leftward

Cristobal J. Alex and other militants like him are not only intent upon breaking down our borders, bringing in millions of new “immigrants,” and registering them to vote Democrat, they also intend to form the newcomers into politically correct activists that can be drafted to support radical environmentalism, LGBTQ issues, socialized healthcare, racial grievance agitation, and more. Multiple polls, in the United States and worldwide, have repeatedly shown that despite a massive 20-year drumbeat of global-warming alarmist propaganda, most people still put climate change close to the bottom of their lists of concerns. Latinos, like other racial minorities, have been even less likely than white voters to rate it a high concern. It has traditionally been a hot-button issue only for white liberals. Ditto for LGBTQ “rights.” To remedy this, the big foundations and globalist corporations began pouring money into black and Latino organizations that would promote the “Green” and LGBTQ agendas in those targeted demographics.

Cristobal J. Alex and Latino Victory have been principal globalist conduits aimed at propagandizing and organizing Latinos for the Green-LGBTQ program. As President of Latino Victory, Alex has also been a columnist for the left-wing Huffington Post and other media outlets where he has used his pulpits to try to convince Latinos that socialism dressed up as environmentalism, Obamacare, and government paternalism is good for them, while at the same time using them to convince politicians that the growing Latino voting base demands support for these issues (see here, here, and here).

In a HuffPo column entitled “My Grito [My Shout]: Turn Your Anger Into Action,” Alex fans the partisan flames by following Democrat talking points and tagging Donald Trump and Republicans as “anti-immigrant” and “intolerant” for wanting to control our own borders (as does Mexico and every other nation that values its sovereignty). He tells Latinos, “Republicans have gotten our attention for all the wrong reasons, and let’s not forget it on Election Day.”

Alex and his co-founder Henry J. Munoz III have used Latino Victory to steer Latinos into greater acceptance of the anti-family, anti-Christian LGBTQ movement. Prominent LGBTQ subversives among Latino Victory’s leadership include Kyle Ferrari (named above), who, as Munoz’s “husband, now goes by Kyle Ferrari-Munoz. (Munoz and Ferrari were “married” in a wedding ceremony in 2017 officiated by then-former Vice President Joe Biden. It was Biden’s second time “marrying” a LGBTQ couple.)