Idaho Fights to Nullify NDAA Indefinite Detention

In this video, The New American’s Alex Newman highlights efforts by Idaho lawmakers to nullify an unconstitutional provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The provision in question, which purports to authorize the indefinite detainment of Americans by the U.S. military without due process or even criminal charges, has become a lightning rod for criticism by people across the political spectrum. A decent number of red, blue, and purple states have already used nullification to prohibit involvement by their state and local officials in such abuses. But Idaho’s bill, dubbed the Restoring Constitutional Governance Act, takes it a step further. Among other tools, it provides criminal penalties against anyone involved in trampling on the rights of Americans under NDAA. Alex also explains why nullification is such an important tool in the battle to rein in unconstitutional abuses by the federal government.

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