Breitbart Details Six Foreign Policy Fibs From Sleepy Joe

The Washington Post periodically updates readers on the number of “false or misleading claims” it says President Trump has uttered.

How many “fact checkers” the Post has detailed for that job we are not given to know, but we do know the newspaper isn’t likely to examine Democrat claims with the same diligence.

Thus has Breitbart begun that monumental task.

The website compiled six whoppers from Sleepy Joe Biden, the leading Democrat presidential candidate. Biden’s Bravo Sierra includes tales about Iran, Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan, the killing of Osama bin Laden, and the Biden-Burisma influence-peddling scandal.

Opposed War, Backed Killing bin Laden — Not
That list came from Trump campaign spokesman Matt Wolking, who detailed Biden’s fibs in an interview with Breitbart radio. Biden is either fudging his record or simply can’t remember what he’s done, a possible sign of age. The former vice president is 77 years old.

“What you’re seeing is Joe Biden is out there on the campaign trail trying to claim he is a foreign policy expert, and he claims that that is his area of expertise — which is really quite funny when you think about it,” Wolking said on Breitbart News Sunday.

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“His own Defense Secretary under Obama, Bob Gates, said that he was wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. So, now Biden is trying to rewrite history. He’s telling lie after lie to voters on a whole host of issues.”

Biden claims that he and his former boss Barack Hussein Obama “solved” the Iran issue. Not so. When Obama was hatching the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran, the so-called nuclear deal, Iran took American sailors hostage. And last week, Iran was behind the attack on the U.S. embassy in Iraq.

Biden claims he did not back nation-building in Afghanistan. Also false. In 2001, Biden backed a major reconstruction and development plan for the region akin to the U.S.-financed Marshall Plan for Germany after World War II.

• Biden claims that he did not support the war in Iraq, despite voting to authorize it. “[Bush] looked me in the eye in the Oval Office and promised me all he was doing was wanting to get the authority to be able to send in inspectors to find out if Saddam Hussein was hiding nuclear weapons,” Biden recently told Bloomberg News. “The president then went ahead with ‘Shock and Awe’ and right after that and from the very moment he did that, I opposed what he was doing and spoke to him.”

That’s another fib.

When Bush launched the war, Biden said this: “We voted to give him the authority to wage that war. We should step back and be supportive.”

• Biden claims that he backed the raid to kill bin Laden. When Peter Doocy of Fox News asked Biden if he advised Obama not to proceed with the deadly operation, Biden replied, “I didn’t.” That, too, is a lie.

In fact, video from 2012 shows Biden admitting he was against the raid to get bin Laden, whom the United States had been trying to find for a decade after the 9/11 attack.

Said Biden, “Mr. President, my suggestion is don’t go”

No less an authority than Obama, during one of his debates with GOP opponent Mitt Romney, said Biden advised against the raid.

• Biden claims he did not support moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. The record shows otherwise.

“I wouldn’t have done it in the first place,” he told PBS Newshour, in explaining that never supported moving the embassy.

In fact, Biden did back moving the embassy and said so in 2008: “That’s been my position for years.”

Perhaps Biden’s biggest whopper is that no one warned him about the potential problem with his son Hunter’s business dealings with Burisma Holdings in Ukraine.

“Nobody warned me about a potential conflict of interest,” Biden told NPR last month. “I never, never heard that once at all.”

At best, that’s misleading, as Biden knew when he said it.

As The New American reported long before Biden’s chin wag with NPR, a top diplomat, George Kent, expressed his concerns about Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal with the energy company.

Biden’s advisers told Kent to get lost. Sleepy Joe didn’t have the “bandwidth” to deal with it.

Photo: AP Images

R. Cort Kirkwood is a long-time contributor to The New American and a former newspaper editor.