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Billionaire and Republican mega-donor Charles Koch is attempting to get Republicans to work together with Democrats to get amnesty passed for the millions of illegal aliens in America.

In a recent CNN op-ed, Koch, along with Brian Hooks of Stand Together, wrote that the two major parties should “come together” to give legal status for those who have broken federal immigration law to come into the country without permission.

“Whether it’s a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants, including Dreamers who were brought to America as children, improving the visa system or improving border security, lasting progress will require congressional action by both political parties,” Koch argued. “And getting Congress to step up depends on the American people speaking out.”

The Koch Industries CEO, whose net worth has been estimated at $50.5 billion and who was ranked as the 11th richest person in the world in 2019, said it would be a bipartisan “victory” to pass amnesty simultaneously with increases to the number of foreign workers in the country, writing:

A similar victory can happen with immigration. Public sentiment is already there. Efforts to amplify and unleash that sentiment are gaining steam. With more support and action from people across the country, Congress will find its way to enact the immigration policies that reflect the best of America and enable more people to contribute to our country’s future.

Koch also heaped praise on past immigration deals, such as the infamous 2013 Gang of Eight deal that would have given a pathway to citizenship for most illegal aliens.

“While none of their proposals were perfect, they all would have made America’s immigration system more just and secure,” Koch wrote.

Koch has become known for donating large sums of cash to super PACs supporting increased immigration levels, amnesty, and free trade deals that offshore American jobs. In the 2020 election cycle alone, Koch Industries PAC poured nearly $1.4 million into Republican campaigns.

The Kochs’ stance on open borders and mass migration has repeatedly made them allies of another billionaire that one would think they’d be ideologically against: George Soros.

In 2019, for example, the Charles Koch Institute partnered with the Soros Fund Charitable Foundation and several left-wing groups on a project to help tech companies censor right-wing “online extremism.”

It isn’t just the Kochs among America’s billionaire class who are already applying pressure on Republicans to abandon the base and the Trump immigration platform in favor of mass migration.

Several GOP mega-donors are trying to get Senate Republicans to vote to confirm Joe Biden’s pick to lead the Department of Homeland Security.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the man whom Biden has tapped for DHS chief, was deputy secretary of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Barack Obama administration, and was found by Obama’s own inspector general to have improperly intervened to secure EB-5 visas for wealthy foreign nationals to whom he had political ties.

Despite this, the executive committee of the American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC) issued a letter supporting Mayorkas for DHS.

Joe Biden has said that, as president, he will send an amnesty package to the Senate in his first 100 days. His fellow Democrats, of course, are largely on board. But what about the Republicans who are ostensibly supposed to be standing against socialism and globalism?

Because the GOP majority in the Senate is so slim, it would only take a few Republicans to break ranks with the party to get an amnesty bill passed. And Biden may already have enough traitors on his side.

Earlier this month, several Republican senators and members of the House were caught attending a “summit” meeting hosted by ABIC, which has links to the George Soros-funded organization United We Dream.

In addition to key Democrats such as Chuck Schumer, Republicans present were Senators Marco Rubio (Fla.), John Cornyn (Texas), Susan Collins (Maine), and Thom Tillis (N.C.), along with Representatives Mario Díaz-Balart (Fla.) and Will Hurd (Texas).

Rubio, of course, was one of the original members of the 2013 Gang of Eight.

Open borders and mass migration are some of the key weapons in the globalists’ arsenal. They know amnesty would further erode American sovereignty while handing Democrats enough new voters to freely turn the country full socialist. And the big business crowd, including the Kochs, are more than happy to get lots of new cheap foreign labor.