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The results from the latest polling by Monmouth University show the job approval rating for President Biden hitting an all-time low at just 34 percent. From its press release:

President Joe Biden’s job rating has hit an all-time low in the Monmouth University Poll, including particularly poor marks for his handling of immigration and inflation.

Only 3 in 10 Americans say the incumbent is giving enough attention to the issues most important to them, which is worse than for his predecessor.

The collapse in Biden’s job-performance ratings appears to be accelerating. He has lost four full percentage points in just the last two months. He is losing support from Democrats (74 percent approve, down from 80 percent in September and 88 percent in July). Among Independents, only 24 percent approve of the job the 81-year-old president is doing, down from 30 percent in September and 38 percent percent in July.

As one wag said, “There appears to be substantial support for Biden at zero.”

The way things are going, he may get there just in time for the November presidential election. Said Patrick Murphy, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute:

The Biden administration keeps touting their infrastructure investments and a host of positive economic indicators. Those data points may be factual, but most Americans are still smarting from higher prices caused by post-pandemic inflation. This seems to be what’s driving public opinion.

There is political danger in pushing a message that basically tells people their take on their own situation is wrong.

This is the strategy Biden and his handlers have been pushing: “Believe us and don’t believe your own eyes.” “Trust us: things are getting better.” “Forget that gas and groceries cost so much more. Really, things are getting better.”

Unfortunately for Biden, and fortunately for the rest of us, those arguments are not gaining traction with voters. Just 12 percent of those polled said that their financial status has improved under Biden’s tender care, while 44 percent reported that they are struggling just to keep their heads above water financially.

From the Morning Consult, a polling firm that works with Bloomberg, comes confirmation of Biden’s collapse: “Former President Donald Trump is leading … Joe Biden in all seven surveyed 2024 swing states, with Biden losing the 1 percentage point lead over Trump he had in Michigan last month.”

Trump leads Biden in those vital swing states by an average of five percentage points.

Monmouth is no outlier, either. The latest NYTimes/Sienna poll shows Biden’s approval rating at 39 percent, with the TIPP poll (taken last week) showing a 33-percent approval rating for the octogenarian.

A Biden-friendly Wall Street Journal poll shows Biden with a 37-percent approval rating. And the average at RealClear Politics shows Biden significantly trailing Donald Trump and Barrack Obama at the same times in their administrations.

When a heavily Democratic pollster, Democracy Corps, discovered the truth about Biden’s dismal record among voters, Stan Greenberg, one of its founders, said, “Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, LGBT+ community, Gen Z, millennials, unmarried and college women give Trump higher ratings than Biden … this is grim.”

Greenberg added, “What the president is currently doing it still talking about progress, and you can’t keep talking about progress when three-quarters of the country thinks we’re on the wrong track.”

It’s so grim for Biden and his handlers that he is publicly complaining that their campaign — Bidenomics — isn’t “moving the ball forward.” The Washington Post reported:

After pardoning a pair of turkeys, an annual White House tradition, Biden delivered some stern words for the small group assembled: His poll numbers were unacceptably low, and he wanted to know what his team and his campaign were doing about it.

The answer? Not much. The policies set in motion economically — paying the bills by printing the money — aren’t reversible. When that new fake digital money flows into the economy it reduces the purchasing power of all currency, resulting in higher and still higher prices. It isn’t that prices are increasing. It’s that the currency is losing its purchasing power. And voters are rightly blaming Biden and his administration for it.

Biden suffers from another deficiency: his obvious mental and physical diminution. Rogers Smith, a political scientist who cut his teeth at Harvard, said Biden’s “visible infirmities interfere with his ability to reassure the electorate.” He added:

This belief is reinforced by the reality that Biden does not inspire confidence in his vigor or energy in most of his public presentations.

The problem is particularly acute among young voters but goes throughout the electorate, Democrats and Republicans alike. It means that voters don’t give much weight to Biden’s arguments on the issues.

That’s the real problem. The voters don’t even listen to Biden anymore, so they can’t be swayed by his administration’s attempts to deflect, distract, or redirect the electorate with false narratives. They simply don’t trust him. The polls show it.