Biden Ramps Up the Rhetoric in Ohio as He and His Party Descend Into Oblivion

In a speech to union workers in Ohio on Wednesday, the present occupant of the White House, Joe Biden, touted his plan to rescue failing pension plans using taxpayer funds while attacking Republicans for not supporting the plan.

“Not one single solitary Republican voted” for it, explained Biden, because “they’re afraid … because the Trumpers [voters who support President Donald Trump, will] literally take them out.”

Those “Trumpers” earned a special place in Biden’s speech, as he blamed the former president for most if not all of the country’s current woes. “The previous administration lost more jobs in his watch than any administration since Herbert Hoover … all based on failed trickle down economics to benefit the wealthiest Americans.”

He also blamed Republicans for Intel’s decision to put on hold its plans to build a multi-billion-dollar assembly plant near Columbus:

I was able to work out something with Intel. They’re gonna provide for over 7,000 jobs … [but Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell is gonna block the passage of the legislation that will provide for another 100 billion dollars.… This is not right … and that’s why this [midterm] election is going to be so darn important.

The midterm election isn’t going well for the Democrats, and swing state Ohio has been trending red over the last two election cycles. Two Democrats seeking office in November — Tim Ryan, who is running against Republican nominee J.D. Vance for the U.S. Senate, and Nan Whaley, the candidate challenging GOP Governor Mike DeWine — didn’t show for the occasion. Each candidate claimed “unavoidable campaign conflicts.”

No doubt those candidates have been reading the polling tea leaves and decided to distance themselves from any association with Biden. According to the latest data from poll tracker CIVIQS, Biden has just a 20-percent approval rating in Ohio.

In fact, according to CIVIQS, Biden is under water in every state in the union except Hawaii and Vermont. He’s under water in deep blue California, and even in his own state of Delaware, with a 55-percent disapproval rating.

The latest results from CIVIQS reveal just how ugly the numbers are for the current Oval Office resident:

  • Voters aged 18-34 give Biden a 22-percent approval rating;
  • Voters aged 35-49 give him a 27-percent approval rating;
  • Republicans give him a one-percent approval rating;
  • Independents give him an 18-percent approval rating;
  • White voters give him a 24-percent approval rating; and
  • Black voters give him a 56-percent approval rating.

That last reading is especially important and indicative of just how much ground Biden and his handlers have lost by imposing their far-left, anti-American agenda onto the country. In the past, the Democratic Party could always count on at least 90 percent of black voters for their support.

Not any longer.

In reviewing the latest poll from CIVIQS (which is based on responses from more than 220,000 registered voters, thus reducing the margin of error significantly), Scott McKay, writing for American Spectator, notes the positive aspect:

If there is any positive to be taken from this, it’s something I wrote about in The Revivalist Manifesto, my new book just recently released by Bombardier Books.

One of the key theses of the book is that transformationally awful presidencies tend to wipe out the political party responsible for them for a generation, and begin entirely new political eras after the suffering of the public at the hands of the incompetents is paid back at the ballot box.

James Buchanan was such a president. So was Herbert Hoover. And Joe Biden is a larger disaster than either.

At the bottom of his vortex is a completely new American story, and perhaps the revival we so badly need.