Biden Claims Trump Embraces Racism; Says He’ll Ban Assault Weapons

Former Vice President Joe Biden (shown) again attempted to connect President Trump with the mass shooting in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio, with a carefully scripted pack of half-truths and lies.

It was Biden’s second try at linking Trump to the shootings. Two days earlier, on Monday, Biden said likewise during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

In Wednesday’s speech in Burlington, Iowa, Biden cast himself as the man who could save the country from the “darkest” forces of “hatred” and “racism” that Trump and his supporters supposedly represent.

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And Biden said, he will ban high-capacity magazines and “assault weapons.” In other words, gun confiscation is coming. Target: Law-abiding Americans.

The message was clear. Trump is the enemy. And so, therefore, are his supporters.

Trump the Evil

“The words of a president matter,” the aging Democrat said, because “they can move markets,” send soldiers into battle or “bring peace,” “calm a nation in turmoil,” or “console” and “appeal to our better angels.”

But as well, he said, “they can also unleash the deepest darkest forces in the nation,” which what Biden believes Trump has done.

Trump, Biden claimed, said “there were, and I quote, ‘very fine people on both sides’” of the race riot in Charlottesville in 2017. But Biden purposely omitted, and not for the first time, that Trump immediately condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists, too.

Biden accused Trump of providing “safe harbor to white supremacists and neo-Nazis, to the Ku Klux Klan.”

Biden then lied again. “Charlottesville was no isolated incident,” Biden said of Trump’s remarks. “When he announced he was running for president, he called Mexicans rapists,” another leftist narrative that is not what Trump said in that speech. What Trump actually said was: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best…. They’re sending people that have lots of problems,” including rapists.

Of course, Biden is also exercised about Trump’s description of the deplorable conditions in Baltimore. “More recently, he called a major American city a disgusting, rat-infected rodent mess. No human being, he said, would choose to live, as though the vibrant and diverse community around Baltimore was somehow less than human,” Biden claimed. In truth, Trump was not saying that the citizens of Baltimore were subhuman but that human beings in Baltimore should not have to live in such deplorable conditions. Quoting the relevant tweet in full makes Trump’s intent clear: “Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States. No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen? Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!”

Biden also claimed that white supremacists support Trump. Obviously some do, in much the same way that bat-wielding communists of Antifa supported Hillary Clinton, but they are by no means representative of Trump supporters. He falsely claimed that “we have a problem with this rising tide of white supremacy America” by tossing in data from the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center, which faces multiple defamation and racketeering claims from the victims of its unwarranted smears.

Biden claimed that “hatred is not a mental health issue,” vis-a-vis mass shootings, and he proposed as a solution banning what he and other leftists call “assault weapons.”

“As the guy along with Senator Dianne Feinstein who got the assault weapons bans and the high-capacity magazines banned in this country for 10 years, if elected president we will do it again…. They will be banned. And when we do it, we will put in place a buyback program.”

That, of course, means forcible confiscation if an American doesn’t want to “sell back” his “assault weapon.”

Trump Supporters Beware

“Our President,” Biden continued, “has aligned himself with the darkest forces in this nation,” noting that Franklin Roosevelt, who permitted the bombing of Pearl Harbor to bring the country into World War II, said the presidency is “pre-eminently a place of moral leadership.”

“We have a president,” Biden said, “with a toxic tongue who has publicly and unapologetically embraced a political strategy of hatred, racism, and division. We are living through a rare moment in this nation’s history where our president … lacks the moral authority to lead. Where our president has more in common with George Wallace than with George Washington.”

Wallace was a Democrat and closely allied with the very southern Democrats whose friendship and support Biden eagerly sought as a newly minted senator, but that truth aside, Biden offered, again, just one policy proposal: making law-abiding gun owners the enemy. A Biden administration will not apparently, target the masked, helmeted leftist goons in Antifa who attempt to murder law-abiding Trump supporters. Or the human traffickers who rent children to get “families” across the border illegally to file phony asylum claims.

Biden was, of course, more measured than Reza Aslan, the former CNN star who called all Trump supporters racist and deserving of mass extermination. But given the matrix of lies, half-truths, and leftist propaganda woven into one long smear of the president, Biden inferred that Americans who voted for Trump are, like Trump, the enemy.

Photo of Joe Biden: AP Images