As Libs Dance on Koch’s Grave, They Still Ignore How He Helped Their Cause

It’s said one shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, but this is meaningless to the morally dead. This has again been proven with leftists’ reaction to the passing of billionaire libertarian David Koch (shown), whose death of prostate cancer at age 79 was announced Friday.

The anti-Koch vitriol has been particularly vicious, with comedian Bill Maher stating that he’s “glad he’s dead” and hoped “the end was painful” and actress Bette Midler saying “F*** you” to someone paying tribute to the activist billionaire. Yet if liberals looked objectively at Koch — who avowed socialist Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) once said was left of him on immigration — they’d realize he did much to promote their cause.

The Koch brothers earned their wealth via their Koch Industries, the United States’ second-largest privately held company. Each brother’s net worth had been estimated at $50.5 billion, making them co-holders of the 11th position on the list of the world’s richest people. They’d also been well-known Republican Party donors for three decades — and they’d become Joe McCarthy-like boogiemen to the Left.

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Yet the viciousness with which leftists have celebrated David Koch’s demise is still striking. Maher perhaps was the cream of the slop on his HBO talk show, Real Time with Bill Maher, opening the Friday episode “with a series of dark jokes referencing the fact that the Kochs had donated millions to fund climate change-…[realist] research and politicians…,” reported the Daily Mail.

“‘I guess I’m going to have to reevaluate my low opinion of prostate cancer,’ Maher said, adding that David ‘was 79, but his family says they wish it could be longer. But at least he lived long enough to see the Amazon catch fire,’” the paper continued, quoting the comedian.

“Maher went on to joke that ‘condolences poured in from all the politicians he owned and mourners are being asked in lieu of flowers to just keep their car engine running,” the Mail further related. “‘As for his remains, he’s asked to be cremated and have his ashes blown into a child’s lungs.’”

“But then Maher turned serious, saying: ‘David and his brother have done more than anybody to fund climate science…[realists] for decades, so f**k him. The Amazon is burning up. I’m glad he’s dead. And I hope the end was painful’” (video below. Warning: vulgar language).

Actress Bette Midler also chimed in, tweeting, among other things:

Responding later to Heritage Foundation president Kay Coles James, who’d applauded Koch’s libertarian endeavors, Midler tweeted, “With all due respect, Ms. James, f[***] you. ‘A friend of liberty’ Yes, his own and his family’s. The rest of us can drink leaded water and burn in the climate change he produced.”

Note that the Amazon didn’t just “catch fire” and isn’t “burning up” any more than usual, though the media is fixating on it right now. In fact, Amazonian fires burn every year and their frequency is not above normal, as biologist Dr. Joe Hanson points out: 

joe hanson tweet

Moreover, according to a tweet by Ph.D. meteorologist Ryan Maue, the “Amazon Rain Forest fires aren’t exactly as advertised.” Citing the New York Times, he continues, “Read for yourself: fires are mainly in agricultural areas as farmers prepare their land for planting. The land was cleared in the past.”

Then there’s the picture (below) of burning jungle disseminated by celebrities such as Midler and, notably, President Macron of France. It’s from 2003, according to

So why is the media burning the presses reporting on Amazonian fires now? Hint: The story reflects poorly on the Brazilian government, currently headed by conservative/populist president Jair Bolsonaro — also known as the “Tropical Trump.”

(Never mind that the same fires also plague socialist Bolivia.)

Returning to KDS (Koch Derangement Syndrome), countless other leftists tweeted venom, and then there’s the media’s reaction. The website Common Dreams related its all-too-common nightmares, writing, “After Life of Incalculable Harm, Billionaire Climate Denialist and Right-Wing Villain David Koch Dead at 79. Death is an escape hatch for David Koch while the rest of us are left scrambling for the emergency brake before we go over the cliff.”

Then Esquire displayed its low-rank thinking with, “The Koch Money Was a Primary Vector for the Prion Disease That’s Infected the Republican Party.” (Hat tip: American Thinker.)

Now, Esquire is correct about the Kochs’ efforts having infected the GOP — but the infection is not what they think. While the Daily Mail and others describe David Koch as a “conservative,” he actually was a devoted anti-Trump, open-borders libertarian.

In fact, the “Kochs don’t have much in common with conservatives,” reported Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson in June.

Carlson continued:

They are totally opposed to most conservative policy goals. The Kochs are libertarian ideologues, passionate and inflexible. America first? The Kochs find the very notion absurd, if not fascist. An economic policy that seeks to strengthen families? The Kochs denounce that as “crony capitalism,” or “picking winners and losers.” They think it’s immoral. Controlling our borders? The Kochs consider that racist. A few years ago, Bernie Sanders noted that the Koch brothers are far to the left of him on immigration. Open borders? Quote: “That’s a Koch brothers proposal,” he said.

Carlson points out that, despite most Republican voters wanting secure borders, they’re as porous as ever — partially because of Koch money/influence (video below).

Much like the relationship that socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and the “Justice Democrats” have with Democrat Party, the Kochs did work through the GOP — in order to transform it. No, their goals didn’t totally align with the Democrats’, but some of them did. Most significantly, their open-borders aims facilitated the entire Democrat (socialist) platform.

After all, this immigrationist agenda ensures that 85 to 90 percent of our newcomers will continue hailing from the Third World. And with 70 to 90 percent of this group voting Democrat upon naturalization, its continued growth would portend leftist hegemony — giving the Democrats the power to impose whatever they wish.

But David Koch has passed on now, and may he rest in peace. As for those dancing on his grave, they should “never send to know for whom the bell tolls,” as British cleric and poet John Donne wrote — “it tolls for thee.”

Photo of David Koch: Gage Skidmore