Archbishop Viganò Encourages Trump to Trust in the Lord and Oppose the “Great Reset”

Former U.S. Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò penned an open letter to President Trump last week in which he warned the president that the “fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity.”

Archbishop Viganò explained:

A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures to limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations drastically.

The Great Reset’s purpose is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and canceling the personal debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a vaccination program against COVID-19 and COVID-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the leading pharmaceutical groups.

Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some countries, the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021. For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a supposed second and third wave of the pandemic.

Until a few months ago, it was easy to smear as “conspiracy theorists” those who denounced these terrible plans, which we now see being carried out down to the smallest detail. No one, up until last February, would ever have thought that, in all of our cities, citizens would be arrested simply for wanting to walk down the street, to breathe, to want to keep their business open, to want to go to church on Sunday.

Mr. President, you have clearly stated that you want to defend the nation — One Nation under God, fundamental liberties, and non-negotiable values that are denied and fought against today. It is you, dear president, who is “the one who opposes” the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness.

For this reason, all people of goodwill must be persuaded of the epochal importance of the imminent election, not so much for the sake of this or that political program, but because of the general inspiration of your action that best embodies — in this particular historical context — that world, our world, which they want to cancel employing the lockdown.

Mr. President, you are well aware that, in this crucial hour, the United States of America is considered the defending wall against which the war declared by the advocates of globalism has been unleashed. Place your trust in the Lord, strengthened by the words of the Apostle Paul: “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

The reaction to Archbishop Viganò’s letter has been swift. Yahoo News published a hit piece on it called “‘A global conspiracy against God and humanity’: Controversial Catholic archbishop pushes QAnon themes in letter to Trump.” The article’s author claimed the letter “hit many of the favorite themes of the pro-Trump conspiracy theory, attacking its familiar villains, from the ominous ‘global elite’ to Bill Gates and ‘the mainstream media.’”

Then the writer attempts to tie Viganò in with QAnon by saying, “This wasn’t the first letter Viganò had written to Trump, nor was it his first time flirting with QAnon-inspired conspiracy theories.”

Vanity Fair also released a long and drawn-out article critical of Viganò entitled, “Deep State, Deep Church: How QAnon and Trumpism have Infected the Catholic Church.”

“This month, Viganò graduated from flirting with QAnon to what can only be read as endorsing it, declaring in a rambling interview that a President Biden would become the marionette ‘of a power that does not dare reveal itself,’ while ‘Trump is fighting pedophilia and pedosatanism.’”

The funny thing about the Yahoo News and Vanity Fair articles is that they never address the main points of Viganò’s letter, i.e., the Great Reset and a looming scientific dictatorship. It’s not as if the global elite deny that they are using the coronavirus to trigger the Great Reset; in fact, they and their mouthpieces are even using Sesame Street to indoctrinate our children about it. Nor do they address Viganò’s concerns over a scientific dictatorship which, again, the powers that be speak about quite openly. As with anything critical of globalism, global warming, or the draconian lockdowns mandated for the coronavirus, Viganò’s letter is attacked with smears and sleight of hand to distract people from the facts that are readily available to anyone willing to look. When looking at the tactics used by the Left today, it’s easy to see that Viganò is entirely right when he says in his letter to Trump, “Your adversary is also our adversary: It is the enemy of the human race, He who is ‘a murderer from the beginning’ (John 8:44).”