Martin Armstrong
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Donald Trump has the American public wondering whether he will soon declare another bid for the presidency, but will the nation as we know it even make it to 2024?

According to one economic forecaster, America’s days as we know it are numbered. Martin Armstrong, who previously predicted major events like the 2008 global financial crisis, said during a recent interview that “the United States will not exist after 2032” and that there may not even be an election in 2024 — pointing to widespread electoral fraud, corruption, and a loss of faith in the system.

Armstrong made his remarks during an appearance on Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog.

“The cheating in the midterm election next week is going to be so great that it is almost impossible to make a prediction…. In a fair midterm election, the Republicans would win the House and the Senate,” Armstrong asserted in reference to the November 8 midterm elections.

“Where this ends up, who knows? It’s just so corrupt, it is over the top. It doesn’t matter who wins. Nobody is going to accept this thing, and that is the problem,” he added.

Armstrong claimed to have received emails from individuals living in Canada who have received ballots intended for Pennsylvania.

He believes that whichever side loses the midterms will not accept the election results, resulting in a total breakdown of the system.

“The United States will not exist after 2032. After 2028 and 2029, we are going to have to redesign a government from scratch. America is being destroyed,” he concluded.

Armstrong is best known for his Economic Confidence Model, which holds that economic waves take place every 8.6 years, culminating with a crisis. He created his model by looking at historical financial panics, and his philosophy is influenced by his lawyer father, whose grandfather lost a fortune in the stock market crash of 1929.

“The whole monetary system as we know it is collapsing. That was what the bond crisis in the UK was about,” he said in reference to the current world situation.

According to Armstrong, his computer modeling indicates that there will be major domestic unrest in America next year, and he described a concerted effort to take out Trump and other world leaders who do not fit in with the “green” agenda.

“This is a worldwide effort,” he said. “They had to get rid of Trump. The other one who stood in their way is Bolsonaro. Then there is Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China). I think you are going to have historians look back at this 50 years from now, and they will call this period ‘The Climate Change Wars.’… They are trying to take down as much oil energy capacity as possible.”

Armstrong is right. The global oligarchs behind the “worldwide” effort to oust Trump and other populists want to set up a “green” system to combat climate change because it would give them total power to rule autocratically however they wish.

For socialists and globalists, the “climate change” agenda has always been one of the fundamental steppingstones toward establishing a New World Order of all-powerful world government. Because the religion of environmentalism asserts that every human activity contributes to pollution in some way, the government is therefore justified in regulating all aspects of life — from farming and transportation to housing and food.

Will Armstrong’s midterm predictions pan out? The lead-up to and fallout from 2020 was certainly contentious. Prior to that election, the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), an organization with ties to George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and to the Chinese Communist Party-linked think tank The Berggruen Institute, outlined several tactics — implemented by the Left and the Deep State — to secure a Biden victory, including mail-in voting, suppression of speech via social-media censorship, and “street fights.”

The founder of the Transition Integrity Project, Nils Gilman, even called for the execution of former Trump national security official Michael Anton due to Anton’s coverage of and critical opinion of TIP.

There was also Shut Down DC, an activist group that was prepared to launch mass gatherings in the nation’s capital beginning the night of the election in an attempt to stop an “attempted coup” by President Trump if he refused to “accept” the election loss.

One thing is for certain: With everything at stake, whoever loses is not likely to go quietly into the night.

To learn about how to stop election fraud, click here.