Alex Jones Trumps Megyn Kelly With Pre-emptive Interview Release

The media storm over Megyn Kelly’s video interview with Alex Jones, scheduled to air on NBC this Sunday, June 18, took an unexpected turn, as Jones struck first, airing his own video of the interview, along with his trademark blistering commentary.

Yesterday, Alex Jones released on his website audio and video recordings illustrating the deceit used by Kelly to obtain the interview, and the deceptive techniques and editing she and NBC have employed in producing the upcoming television program. In her call to set up the interview, Megyn Kelly assured Jones this would not be a “gotcha” ambush. Jones, taped all the setup calls, as well as the entire 14-hour visit by Kelly and her film crew to the InfoWars headquarters in Austin, Texas.

“I’m not looking to portray you as some boogeyman,” Kelly insisted. In fact, she told the alternative media kingpin that she is “fascinated” by him and saw a “different side,” a softer side, of him during his recent court battle for custody of his children.

“The craziest thing of all would be if some of the people who just have this insane version of you in their head walk away saying, ‘you know what, I see the dad in him; I see the guy who loves those kids and is more complex than I’ve been led to believe.’” Kelly said in the tape released by Jones. These and other comments were obviously aimed at buttering up Jones in order to get the gotcha footage she vowed she was not trying to get. For his part, Jones says he was not fooled by her friendly overtures, which is why he made sure to record all the proceedings.

He also reposted a video he had put up in December 2016, after Megyn Kelly aired a segment misrepresenting his statements about Hillary Clinton, making it appear he had claimed that Hillary Clinton was directly involved in murdering children in the Pizza Gate Controversy.

With this incident from last December in mind, Jones says that he specifically received assurances from Kelly that the interview would not be about the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre or “Pizza Gate.”

However, as soon as the scheduled segment was announced, NBC and Megyn Kelly got hit with a firestorm of protests from critics who blasted the decision to give a “notorious conspiracy theorist” and “far-right radio host” a major network platform. NBC was threatened with boycotts and JP Morgan Chase pulled its advertising for the segment. Jones’ alleged statements about Sandy Hook are the main thing that Megyn Kelly’s harshest critics focused on.

In responding to these critics, Kelly revealed that she had been duplicitous in securing the interview with Jones, as he has charged. “I find Alex Jones’s suggestion that Sandy Hook was ‘a hoax’ as personally revolting as every other rational person does,” Kelly said in a statement. “It left me, and many other Americans, asking the very question that prompted this interview: How does Jones, who traffics in these outrageous conspiracy theories, have the respect of the president of the United States and a growing audience of millions?”

“Our goal in sitting down with him was to shine a light — as journalists are supposed to do — on this influential figure,” she continued, “and yes — to discuss the considerable falsehoods he has promoted with near impunity.”

The short teaser video released by NBC, which Megyn Kelly reportedly helped edit, also brings up Sandy Hook, the issue that Kelly insisted she did not intend to dwell on. As a result, Alex Jones joined other NBC/Kelly critics in calling for NBC not to air the piece, though for the polar opposite reason. In addition to objecting to the deception on the part of Kelly and NBC, Jones says that he later realized the date set for release of the segment is Father’s Day, which he says makes it doubly objectionable.