After Clinton Warns of Tranny Madness, Tranny Coalition Demands Access to Wrong Sports, Bathrooms

No sooner did failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warn that crackpot leftism will doom the Democratic Party at the ballot box than a collection of crackpots signed an open letter demanding “rights” and “inclusion” for “transgender” yoots.

Clinton told a reporter for the Financial Times that the party cannot afford to permit crazies to divert the party from its mission: winning elections to protect “democracy.”

Three days later, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and Human Rights pushed the pedal to the metal and demanded full rights for “transgender” kids: Boys should get access to the girls’ restroom, and be permitted to play in and dominate girls’ sports.

Not a good look, as Clinton noted, given that 99.99 percent of normal people think “transgenders” need a check up from the neck up, and transgender adult “leaders” are groomer perverts.

Clinton Interview

Breitbart helpfully provided the text of Clinton’s paywalled interview.

“Democrats seem to be going out of their way to lose elections by elevating activist causes, notably the transgender debate, which are relevant only to a small minority. What sense does it make to depict JK Rowling as a fascist?” the reporter asked.

Clinton’s answer? If the party permits wackos to control it instead of focusing on winning elections, it is doomed.

“We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy and everything that everybody else cares about then goes out the window,” Clinton said:

Look, the most important thing is to win the next election. The alternative is so frightening that whatever does not help you win should not be a priority.

Clinton has said the same thing before: Democrats must focus on winning elections nationwide, not just in the fever swamps of Deep Blue state or congressional districts.

“I think that it is a time for some careful thinking about what wins elections, and not just in deep-blue districts where a Democrat and a liberal Democrat, or so-called progressive Democrat, is going to win,” Clinton told MSNBC’s Willie Geist in an interview last December. “I understand why people want to argue for their priorities. That’s what they believe they were elected to do.”

“Look, I’m all about having vigorous debate. I think it’s good, and it gives people a chance to be part of the process,” she added. “But, at the end of the day, it means nothing if we don’t have a Congress that will get things done and we don’t have a White House that we can count on to be sane and sober and stable and productive.”

Clinton isn’t the only top Democrat worried that the party’s wokenuts will bring it electoral ruin.

Speaking about Republican Glenn Youngkin’s victory in Virginia’s last gubernatorial election, top Democratic strategist James Carville, who toiled for Hillary’s husband, blamed the party’s crackpots.

“What went wrong is just stupid wokeness,” Carville said at the time. “Don’t just look at Virginia and New Jersey. Look at Long Island, look at Buffalo, look at Minneapolis, even look at Seattle, Wash. I mean, this ‘defund the police’ lunacy, this take Abraham Lincoln’s name off of schools. I mean that — people see that.”

Tranny Letter

So, of course, the Leadership Conference poked Clinton in the eye.

“We reject the bigoted, ignorant, mean-spirited, and discriminatory policies currently being considered by far too many state legislatures that seek to exclude transgender people and make these members of our communities invisible,” says the letter that purportedly represents 150 coalition members.

A key demand is permitting “transgender youth” to participate in sports of the opposite sex. Mainly, that would be weak boys who want to compete against weaker girls:

A multitude of bills seeking to exclude transgender youth and youth born with intersex traits from athletics would harm both cisgender and transgender girls and women, particularly Black and Brown girls and women. These laws are likely to violate both the U.S. Constitution and Title IX, putting states’ federal educational funding in jeopardy. We reject the suggestion that girls and women who are cisgender benefit from the exclusion of girls and women who are transgender or intersex. State leaders who care about women’s and girls’ sports should reject these bills and instead focus on closing the gender and racial disparities in athletics opportunities and participation and on protecting student athletes from sexual abuse.

It’s precisely this type of wokery that Clinton and Carville believe will sink the party in forthcoming elections. Republicans hope that the woke assert even more control of the party that they do now.