Stacey Abrams (AP Images)
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

More than 100 Georgia Sheriffs issued a statement on Monday supporting Republican Governor Brian Kemp’s campaign for reelection. In that statement the sheriffs decried moves by his opponent, Democrat Stacey Abrams, to defund and abolish law enforcement:

Over the last four years, Governor [Brian] Kemp and his family stood shoulder to shoulder with the men and women serving in Georgia’s law enforcement community.

Working alongside our departments, Governor Kemp has championed legislation to recruit and retain more officers into the profession, strengthen penalties for criminals and help keep Georgia’s streets safe, and prevent rogue local governments from stripping critical funding and resources from police.

In stark contrast, Stacey Abrams has repeatedly shown complete disdain for law enforcement and the risk we take every day putting our lives on the line to serve our communities.

Ms. Abrams actively serves on the governing board of – and has profited from – an anti-police organization which openly advocates for abolishing prisons and stripping local police departments of their funding.

That “anti-police organization” is the Marguerite Casey Foundation. Begun in 2001 by the founder of United Parcel Service (UPS) and named for his sister, it issues grants to various anti-police and anti-capitalist groups and individuals. In May 2021 Abrams joined the board and almost immediately the board approved an anti-law enforcement project, “Answer the Uprising”, using the group’s funds to support numerous liberal anti-police groups.

The foundation has also given grants to left-wing groups like the Movement for Black Lives and the Black Organizing Project, among others.

The foundation has also made no effort to disguise its contempt for law enforcement, often ending its tweets with hashtags “DefundthePolice” and “AbolishthePolice.”

The sheriffs’ complaint, however, just touches the surface of what Abrams really stands for and who supports her. In May Fox News reported that the Federal Election Commission (FEC) revealed that George Soros made a $1 million donation from his Democracy PAC II to One Georgia Inc., launched to support her candidacy for the governorship.

Nor is the first time Soros has aided Abrams in her quest to become governor of the Peach State. In 2018 he poured $1.3 million into the campaign chest of the Democratic Party of Georgia in support of her candidacy.

In that campaign Abrams had the support of all manner of far-left individuals and groups, including Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Democracy for America, MoveOn Political Action, the Working Families Party, NARAL Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List, and Our Revolution.

In addition, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker and California Senator Kamala Harris went to Georgia to campaign for her.

Abrams is stridently and vocally opposed to the Second Amendment, having sponsored a bill while minority leader of Georgia’s House of Representatives designating many popular semi-automatic firearms as “contraband.” If it had become law, it would have required Georgia’s Bureau of Investigation to seize these firearms from their rightful owners.

She supports “red flag” laws in her quest to disarm the citizenry. She supports “mandatory gun buybacks.” The list goes on.

Abrams is infamous for losing the election for Georgia governorship to Kemp in 2018 by more than 50,000 votes but declaring it was stolen, and never conceding the election. Yet she is not referred to as an “election denier” by the same major media that will apply that label to Trump supporters who have concluded that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

She supports reparations, declaring that African Americans and Native Americans have “been stripped of their autonomy and their participation in our society.”

She has nothing but contempt for the 45th president, declaring repeatedly that Trump is a racist.

She favors abolishing the Electoral College, declaring that “those in power did not believe that working people had the intellectual capacity to directly elect the leader of the free world.”

She has repeatedly stated that the 2020 presidential election was fair and honest, and that claims that there was massive fraud “is by and large, a myth.” She added: “You are more likely to be struck by lightning than for there to be an incident of voting fraud [in that election].”

If she is being totally honest in that assessment, then she must not have seen 2000 Mules, which provides all the proof one needs about that the vacuity of that “myth.”

Low-information voters in Georgia either don’t know about Abrams’ radical background and intentions, or they don’t care. At the moment Kemp (according to the average of the last five polls reported at RealClear Politics) leads Abrams by a scant five percentage points.