Police Turn Their Backs on Bolshevik Bill de Blasio

It’s not known if Bill de Blasio is confused and thinks he’s secretary of state and not NYC mayor, but his decision to travel to Germany rather than attend a slain police officer’s vigil is still causing blowback. The latest: Hundreds of New York’s finest turned their backs on de Blasio as he spoke Tuesday at the Bronx funeral of the slain officer, Miosotis Familia.

It was the second time NYC police turned their backs on “Bolshevik” Bill, thus dubbed because of his Marxist past. The first time was sparked by his sympathies for the anti-police, anti-American Black Lives Matter movement. This time another leftist desire got him in trouble. As New York’s Daily News reports:

The blue rage was spurred by the mayor’s excursion to Germany to join protesters at the G20 summit one day after last Wednesday’s execution of 12-year NYPD vet Familia.

Photos showed hundreds of police officers standing on the Grand Concourse with their backs to the World Changers Church as the mayor’s speech was heard via the public address system.

“The mayor is the compass for the City of New York,” Patrick Lynch, head of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, said before the funeral. “And unfortunately, when a police officer got killed, his compass led him to Germany rather than here on the Grand Concourse.

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In contrast, mayoral spokesman Austin Finan dismissed the protest, claiming that a “couple dozen people showed up to partake in a bogus controversy ginned up by the media and those looking to politicize Detective Familia’s death,” the News further informs (video below).


What’s for certain is that Bolshevik Bill’s brazen move is bringing widespread condemnation. The New York Post, famous for clever headlines, ran a cover labeling him a “Deutsch Bag,” with a subtitle reading, “Mayor feeds his ego in Germany after fleeing a city in mourning.” Even liberal Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera slammed the mayor for leaving NYC to speak to a group he described as “selfish, nihilistic, narcissistic, anarchist[ic], [and] destructive” (video below).

That Rivera’s description is apt gets at part of the problem: Bolshevik Bill’s agenda is worse than his absence. Fox News’ Eric Bolling and other Wake Up, America personalities provide some perspective in the video below.


Yet none of this is surprising. While Bolshevik Bill has German roots, having been born Warren Wilhelm, Jr. (“Bill de Blasio” is his third legal name), his ideological roots are those of an individual who long ago turned his back on America and the Western ideal.

As I wrote in 2014, “Bear in mind that this is a man who honeymooned in Cuba in violation of the U.S. travel ban to that nation; supported the communist Sandinistas, which included raising funds for the group, traveling to Nicaragua, and subscribing to the party newspaper, Barricadda; and whose choice for a college trip was a visit to the Soviet Union. This was the same year Ronald Reagan called that nation ‘the Evil Empire.’”

Thus, there’s no reason to expect Bolshevik Bill to have anything but contempt for the police. He views the world through a leftist lens that inverts good and evil and hence is he part of what’s called the “Hate America First” crowd. And as Fox News’ Tucker Carlson asked in a segment in which he addressed leftist criticism of President Trump’s Poland speech, in which Trump defended Western Civilization:

The question is: has the left actually rejected those beliefs [Western ideals], those values? Can we no longer agree that free speech, for example, is better than censorship; that representative government is superior to dictatorship; that our civil code is preferable to Sharia law? And if we can’t agree on those things, what are we all doing in the same country? How can we keep living together? What is the point of all of this?

Of course, the Left rejected Western ideals long ago, starting with the birth of the modern Left during the French Revolution. There at least was a time, though, when being a Marxist in America ensured you’d be scorned and shunned. Today you can get elected to public office. And this just raises another question: Where is Joe McCarthy when you really need him?

Photo of Bill de Blasio: Screenshot from the Bill de Blasio for Mayor website