Two law professors recently wrote a long paper claiming that Donald Trump is already disqualified from becoming president again. The paper will almost certainly be cited by media propagandists in their anti-Trump crusade. We look at how William Baude of the University of Chicago and Michael Stokes Paulsen of the University of St. Thomas justify their claims and the problem with them.  

Also, there is more evidence that “green” energy is destroying wildlife. There has been an alarming uptick in whale deaths along the Atlantic Coast in recent years and a main suspect is offshore wind turbines.  

In the second half of the show, Alex Newman interviews Council for Health Freedom chief Twila Brase, who warns that the U.S. healthcare system is being weaponized to bring the population under control; and Newman, in his popular Behind the Deep State program, warns that virtually every government on the planet is rolling out Central Bank Digital Currencies.  


Read “Law Professors Insist Trump Ineligible for Future Office

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