Kavanaugh Passes, but Flake Sides With Democrats on Probe

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to recommend U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The vote was 11-10, with Senator Jeff Flake (shown), a liberal Republican from Arizona, voting yes. Hours before, he had announced he would confirm Kavanaugh to the court. But Flake might still sink the nominee. He said he wants to delay a floor vote on Kavanaugh for one week so the FBI can investigate the lurid, ridiculous, unprovable claims from three women.

The Democrats got to him.

Last-minute Strong Arm
At 1:30 p.m., when the committee was to reconvene, senators were meeting in the small anteroom outside the chambers in Dirksen Senate Office Building.

Brett Baer of Fox News said Democrats were “hot-boxing” Flake, pushing the tremulous Arizonan to agree to something, most likely, reopening the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh.

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When the committee reconvened, Flake announced that he was happy to send Kavanaugh’s nomination to the full Senate, but wanted to ensure that “we do due diligence. I think it would be proper to delay the floor vote for up to but not more than one week.”

Terrified he might say the wrong thing, or make the wrong move, Flake essentially conceded that Democrats have a point. They were “justifiably uncomfortable” with moving forward, and that because the “country is being ripped apart,” a probe was necessary before a full vote on the floor.

Pro-abortion, anti-Kavanaugh left-wing Democrats have been pushing the we-need-an-investigation narrative for days, particularly yesterday in a hearing where Ford and Kavanaugh testified, in asking the judge to volunteer for a renewed probe and to delay the vote.

If ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein had brought up Christine Blasey Ford’s charges against Kavanaugh earlier, when she first learned of them, Republicans rightly say, a closer look wouldn’t be necessary now. As well, Judiciary chieftain Grassley said, the committee has examined all the salacious allegations and found them unconvincing.

Democrats say they just want the truth, as if finding out the truth — that Kavanaugh never did anything — might cause them to switch a vote. They won’t.

But Democrats know some Republicans will switch, and likely hope that they can squirt enough poison gas in the air to scare Flake and pro-abortion GOP Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski into sinking Kavanaugh. They know the FBI can’t determine much on a 36-year-old crime, and that the FBI cannot prove Kavanaugh didn’t do what Ford claims

Democrats hope that with another week’s delay, even more crackpots will emerge with ridiculous allegations and damage Kavanaugh even further. Flake said he expected the FBI to probe the allegations before the committee. Yet should three more surface, investigated or not, they might sink Kavanaugh, given how quickly Republicans head for the bushes when feminists and leftists starting hurling imprecations.

As well, another week provides more opportunity for feminists to keep pushing the narrative that a vote for Kavanaugh is a vote against women and a vote for rape.

This morning, after Flake said he would vote for the judge, hysterical, screaming loons accosted him in an elevator. One foreign-sounding woman bewailed Flake’s vote for a man she knew was guilty because she too had been assaulted. Another melted down:

Look at me when I’m talking to you. You are telling me that my assault doesn’t matter, that what happened to me doesn’t, and that you’re going to let people who do these things into power. That’s what you’re telling me when you vote for him. Don’t look away from me.

Whether Senator Mitch McConnell will go along with this absurd tactic is anyone’s guess. He has repeatedly said Kavanaugh will be on the court by the time its session opens on October 1.

The pro-aborts and their last-minute “victims” have put Kavanaugh through the ringer. Ford’s unsubstantiated charges, shrouded in a cloud of foggy memories and contradictory claims, were bad enough. But then even more crazy allegations surfaced. One woman claimed Kavanaugh exposed himself to her, and another, manufacturing an even more preposterous story.

Through her attorney, porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, she claims Kavanaugh was the mastermind of a rape gang that repeatedly used parties to intoxicate girls with drugs and booze to “train” rape them.

Not a single shred of evidence or witness corroborates any of these scurrilous claims, and as for Ford’s, Kavanaugh’s calendar from 1982 shows that his being the culprit is virtually impossible.

Image of Jeff Flake: Senate.gov