TSA Accepts Criminal Warrants as ID for Illegals Boarding Flights. Health Checks Ignored.
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If the Biden Regime weren’t purposely trying to destroy the country with the mass importation of illegal aliens, its latest admission with respect to the treason would be comic.

The Transportation Security Administration is accepting arrest warrants as “identification” when illegal aliens board the flights that the regime is using to disperse them into the heartland, TSA chief David Pekoske confessed in his reply to an inquiry from Texas GOP Representative Lance Gooden and 14 colleagues.

He also confessed that illegals are permitted into airports without a health screen.

Message from the regime: Illegals have more rights than Americans.

The Inquiry

“TSA is actively assisting illegal immigrants without proper identification travel throughout the country,” the congressmen wrote on December 15:

Over 1.6 million immigrants have been apprehended at the southern border this year alone. Even more alarming, over 160,000 aliens have been released into the United States with little to no oversight. This presents a significant safety risk to the American people. Additionally, criminal organizations reportedly made up to $14 million a day in February by trafficking women, children, and families across the U.S.-Mexico border.

The three most important questions were how many illegals TSA has screened from January through October 2021, what identification TSA accepts, and what health-screening measures TSA takes to stop the illegals from spreading the dreaded China Virus to Americans.

The congressmen suspected, and rightly so, that TSA is breaking the law. That would be nothing new for the regime. Biden himself and his Homeland Security secretary, Cuban visa fraudster Alejandro Mayorkas, have done so since taking office.

“The Transportation Security Administration is putting millions of Americans flying for Christmas at risk by allowing unknown, and potentially dangerous, immigrants to board commercial aircraft,” Gooden said at the time. “The American people deserve transparency and to know U.S. national security and their personal safety are not being put at risk.”

The Answer

Pekoske’s answer was frank. TSA lets illegals pretty much present any identification they wish. And the agency is unconcerned whether the illegals carry the China Virus or any other dread disease.

As for the number of illegals, TSA has screened “45,577 noncitizens and non-U.S. nationals requesting validation of their DHS-issued documents.” The agency validated only 44,957.

TSA is uninterested in where the illegals are from — and where they belong. It might be Cuba. It might be Congo. It might be Cambodia. “Country of citizenship data is not collected during the routine Secure Flight prescreening process or the non-citizen and non-U.S. national document validation process,” Pekoske admitted.

As for identification, Pekoske elaborated at length.

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“If an individual does not have acceptable ID as listed on TSA’s acceptable forms of ID list, TSA will accept additional forms of ID that have the individual’s name, with preference given to Government-issued ID,” he wrote.

Among the ID accepted are warrants for arrest and warrants for removal.

In other words, if an alien has been ordered deported, TSA doesn’t notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement so its agents can put him on a flight out of the country. Instead, TSA permits the illegal to board a flight elsewhere inside the country so he can disappear.

As for the health of Americans, TSA does not inform airlines that illegals are boarding flights, and “does not require health screening as a condition of admittance to the sterile area of an Airport.”

That’s more confirmation that the regime is dumping virus-positive illegals anywhere it can. And as The New American reported in November, some of the illegals the regime is dumping are dangerous criminals.

Biden and Mayokas airmailed an “unaccompanied minor” to Florida, where, police allege, he murdered a man who took him in out of kindness. The illegal had lied about his age to border agents.

No one in the regime will be held responsible, and no one in TSA will be held responsible if a vulnerable, elderly American dies after contracting the virus from one of the regime’s preferred travelers.

H/T: The Daily Caller