Trump: I’ll Close Border If Mexico Doesn’t Stop Illegal-Alien Invasion. 1.5M Expected This Year

President Trump says that if Mexico does not stop the illegal-alien invasion that has overwhelmed U.S. immigration authorities and is costing taxpayers millions of dollars, he will close the border.

That threat landed with a report from Breitbart that the country faces a tidal wave of illegal aliens this year if things don’t change. And it doesn’t look like they will without a wall.

Central Americans are flooding the border in unimaginable numbers, as The New American has reported repeatedly in the last few months.

They show no sign of stopping their illegal invasion.

Trump’s Threat

The president threatened to close the border in three tweets this morning at about 8:30.

The DEMOCRATS have given us the weakest immigration laws anywhere in the World. Mexico has the strongest, & they make more than $100 Billion a year on the U.S. Therefore, CONGRESS MUST CHANGE OUR WEAK IMMIGRATION LAWS NOW, & Mexico must stop illegals from entering the U.S….

….through their country and our Southern Border. Mexico has for many years made a fortune off of the U.S., far greater than Border Costs. If Mexico doesn’t immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United States through our Southern Border, I will be CLOSING…..

….the Border, or large sections of the Border, next week. This would be so easy for Mexico to do, but they just take our money and “talk.” Besides, we lose so much money with them, (especially when you add in drug trafficking etc.), that the Border closing would be a good thing!

That’s tough talk, but Trump isn’t afraid to follow through. He warned Congress that if it didn’t provide money to build a border wall, he would declare a national emergency to build it himself.

He declared that emergency, vetoed a bill to overturn his declaration, and last week took the first $1 billion of a projected $8 billion to begin constructing a barrier to stop the flow of illegal aliens.

1.5 Million This Year

Meanwhile, reported some shocking data that show just how massive a problem the country faces.

The administration’s catch-and-release policy, it reported, “is on track to release roughly 434,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the country by the end of the year. This projection is based on current estimates that more than 36,000 border crossers and illegal aliens have been released from DHS custody every month since the beginning of the year.”

Even worse, Breitbart reported, another estimate from Princeton Policy Advisors researcher Steven Kopits predicts 500,000 illegal aliens sloshing across the border “undetected by Border Patrol agents. These are foreign nationals whom federal immigration officials are unaware of and are usually only deported after they commit a crime in the U.S.”

Visa overstays present another avenue for illegal-alien depredations. Should this year’s levels “continue at the same pace as in Fiscal Year 2017, there could potentially be about 630,000 illegal aliens added to the U.S. population after overstaying their visas.” But Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies told Breitbart News to expect between 300,000 to 400,000

Those projections total about 1.5 million.

Annual illegal immigration costs American taxpayers $116 billion, Breitbart noted.

So Far This Year

Top officials at Customs and Border Patrol have repeatedly warned that the border is in crisis.

In El Paso earlier this week, CBP chief Kevin McAleenan predicted that 100,000 illegals will cross the border in March. He told reporters that border agents collared 12,000 in the two days before he spoke. How that 100,000 will break down is unclear as yet, but he did say that the large majority, 65 percent, are families.

Through February of this fiscal year, CPB data show, agents have collared 318,407 illegals, including 158,118 as families and 28,976 children. Last year’s total was 187,097. Agents apprehended 76,013 in February alone.

Where is CBP keeping them all? It isn’t.

It’s dumping this mass of humanity into communities in the American southwest, Breitbart reported on Tuesday. In the last three months, the Department of Homeland Security has dumped 108,500 illegals upon unsuspecting Americans. It unleashed 24,000 between March 5 and March 20 alone.

Most of the invaders are from the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, a major shift from the traditional country of origin, Mexico. Also unprecedented is the number of families.

Border officials say the illegals know if they show up with children they will not be turned away at the border, but instead will be permitted to stay, file a phony asylum claim, and then be released to disappear.

Photo of President Trump: AP Images