Texas Governor Calls Immigration Flood an “Invasion”
Hundreds of illegal immigrants wait under a bridge in Eagle Pass, Texas.

When Texas Governor Greg Abbott learned that more than 4,000 illegals crossed the U.S. border at Eagle Pass, Texas (population 28,000), in just two days, he reiterated his claim that the crisis inundating the southern border is an “invasion.” On Thursday he posted on X:

I officially declared an invasion at our border because of Biden’s policies.

We deployed the Texas National Guard, DPS & local law enforcement.

We are building a border wall, razor wire & marine barriers.

We are also repelling migrants.

He followed that with this:

Texas installed razor wire in Eagle Pass to stop illegal crossings.

Today the Biden Admin CUT that wire, opening the floodgates to illegal immigrants.

I immediately deployed more Texas National Guard to repel illegal crossings & install more razor wire.

Abbott claimed that his efforts to stem the flow have kept 10,000 illegals from crossing the Rio Grande. But that pales into insignificance when compared to the estimated 7 million illegals who have entered the country since the Biden administration gained control of the executive branch of the U.S. government.

Even the “official” data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is frightening: In fiscal year 2021, CBP apprehended 1.73 million illegals; in 2022 the number apprehended grew to 2.38 million; and so far this year CBP has intercepted nearly 2 million.

In a conversation with Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday, Abbott further exposed the administration’s continuing efforts to flood the nation with illegals: “We have a president who is an obstructionist to Texas … [who is] interfering with my efforts to secure the border. I’ve never seen a president flout the laws of the United States as much as Joe Biden.… I’ve never seen anyone like that obstruct a governor who is actually trying to limit illegal immigration into our country.”

He said as much in his famous letter from November 2022, in which he excoriated the resident of the Oval Office for his intentional violation of the nation’s immigration laws:

By refusing to enforce the immigration laws enacted by Congress … your Administration has made clear that it will not honor [those laws].

The federal government’s failure has forced me to invoke Article I, § 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, thereby enabling the State of Texas to protect its own territory against invasion by the Mexican drug cartels.

Your inaction has led to catastrophic consequences. Under your watch, America is suffering the highest volume of illegal immigration in the history of our country.

This past year, more than 2 million immigrants tried to enter the country illegally, coming from more than 100 countries across the globe. Worse yet, your failed border policies recently prompted a United Nations agency to declare that the border between the United States and Mexico is the deadliest land crossing in the world.

Texans are paying the price for your failure. Ranches are being ripped apart, and homes are vulnerable to intrusion. Our border communities are regularly disrupted by human traffickers and bailouts. Deadly fentanyl is crossing the porous border to such a degree that it is now the leading cause of death for citizens between the ages of 18 and 45.

By opening our border to this record-breaking level of illegal immigration, you and your Administration are in violation of Article IV, § 4 of the U.S. Constitution.

Your sustained dereliction of duty compels Texas to invoke the powers reserved in Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which represents “an acknowledgement of the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.”

Abbott ended his letter:

Your silence in the face of our repeated pleas is deafening. Your refusal to even visit the border for a firsthand look at the chaos you have caused is damning.

Two years of inaction on your part now leave Texas with no choice but to escalate our efforts to secure our State. Your open-border policies, which have catalyzed an unprecedented crisis of illegal immigration, are the sole cause of Texas having to invoke our constitutional authority to defend ourselves.

Abbott got national attention when he installed buoys to keep immigrants from swimming across the Rio Grande. A federal judge has ruled against Abbott and ordered him to remove them, but on appeal those buoys remain in place.

Writing in The New American magazine on September 11, 2023, R. Cort Kirkwood summed up Biden’s intentions:

From Day 1, his leftist administration has aided and abetted an illegal-alien invasion of the United States. Biden has illegally refused to enforce immigration laws and manufactured “policies” that supposedly override the statutes that govern who can enter the country.

Biden has ignored them all, and openly invited an invasion of the country. The reason: To alter its demography by importing new Democratic voters.

By illegally neutering the nation’s existing immigration policies, Biden has essentially legalized this “invasion”:

As a practical matter, Biden has legalized illegal immigration by releasing millions of illegals caught at the border into the heartland.

He’s even created a smartphone application, CBP One Mobile, to permit illegals to apply for asylum before they leave home and present themselves at the border.

As The New American has repeatedly reported, about 90 percent of asylum claims are bogus. “Migrants” are not invading the United States to escape persecution or “violence” back home. They’re coming for jobs and free stuff, such as welfare, schooling, and healthcare.

They’re also coming as part of the decades-long attack on the American Republic, in an increasingly successful attempt to turn the country into another socialist “paradise” that can then be comfortably merged with similar nations into a one-world government.

As senior editor for The New American Bill Jasper wrote: “The Biden-enabled invasion continues. It more than meets the Constitution’s threshold for impeachment for ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’ It’s time to get on with it.”

Related article:

Impeach Biden on His Immigration Policies

Click here to learn more about the immigration invasion and what can be done about it.