Sentenced In Virginia, MS-13 Machete Murderer Proves Trump Right

It’s almost as if MS-13 is trying to prove that Donald Trump is right.

The Border Patrol collars gangbangers regularly at the border; an Obama-appointed immigration judge freed an MS-13 member after listening to a sob story, whereupon the budding DREAMer quickly joined his pals and murdered someone; and yesterday, a judge in Albemarle County, Virginia, sentenced an MS-13 member for a brutal murder.

30 Years in Prison
In July of 2017, cops ran into the handiwork of the satanic MS-13 once again, this time in Albemarle County, where sits Monticello, the historic home of Thomas Jefferson. They found the body of one Marvin Joel Rivera Guevara, 24, near a creek, so mutilated the coroner needed DNA to identify him. The weapon? A machete.

Yesterday, the Daily Progress reported, a county circuit judge sentenced Walter Antonio Argueta Amaya, 21, to 30 years in prison for helping butcher Guevara. The Salvadoran must serve 15 years of a 40-year sentence for first-degree murder and 15 of another 40-year sentence for murder by lynching. The second charge arises from a criminal statute that permits everyone in a gang to be charged with such a crime.

Amaya, the newspaper reported, also landed two other suspended sentences. He is one of four MS-13 members who pleaded guilty to the crime. The other three are Juan Carlos Argueta, Jose Luis Escobar-Umana and Juan Carlos Zelaya. All are illegal aliens. So was their victim.

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The guilty pleas explained how the four killed Guevara and left him in a creek in the county’s Woolen Mills neighborhood. “Guevara drove to Woolen Mills on July 3, 2017, with Argueta under the guise of meeting women,” the newspaper reported. “Argueta and Guevara worked together at a Charlottesville restaurant.”

Once there, the other three joined them. “Escobar-Umana forced Guevara at gunpoint to walk toward the creek,” the newspaper reported. Guevara “was then struck by a machete, and that blow was followed by dozens of others, as well as knife wounds. All four participated in the attack, testimony showed. At one point, a blow separated the machete blade from its handle, testimony showed.”

The savage gang hacked Guevara 144 times. After their butchery, the four murderers drove his car away and burned it.

Amazingly, the prosecutor said, family members “were shocked that a gang-related killing could happen in the United States.” They didn’t make victim statements because they fear MS-13, which invites the question of how shocked they really were.

Judge Ignores Gang Task Force
The first of the four sentencings in the Albemarle murder is the second big news item on MS-13 this week.

An immigration judge in Boston, Mario J. Sturla, the Boston Globe reported on Sunday, freed an illegal-alien MS-13 member whom federal authorities had detained for deportation. The immigration police explained to the Obama appointee why they knew that Henri Salvador Gutierrez was a member of the gang.

But a retired policeman told the judge the evidence, pulled together by the Boston gang task force, wasn’t reliable. And Gutierrez regaled the judge with a sob story. The Solomonic avatar of American jurisprudence believed the gang member’s baloney and freed him.

Less than six weeks later, he and five of his pals stabbed a man to death.

This is how Gutierrez described the murder to a fellow inmate: “The knife Peligroso had, dude, looked like a saw now, dude. It broke, the son of a [expletive], on the cutting edge. It was warped. Because he was hitting him right on the skull, Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!”

“Straight into his ribs, dude,” Gutierrez bragged. “And when I pulled out the knife, it was warped. Not just on the tip, but it came out kind of twisted.”

Perhaps Judge Sturla can explain why Gutierrez has the nickname “Perverso.”

Trump Was Right
As The New American reported last week, Trump is right about the migrant invasion force sitting in Tijuana. It is full of criminals, and some of them are very likely MS-13 scum.

About 10 percent of the horde in Tijuana are criminals, U.S. officials estimate. Aside from regularly detaining gang members at the border, Immigration and Customs Enforcement is waging a thankless war against the illegal-alien gangbangers.

How many are waiting in Tijuana to continue their criminal careers here?

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Photo: AP Images