San Diego Border Agents Release Hundreds of Migrants Onto Streets

Now that the word is out that America is receiving illegal aliens with arms wide open, mass migration has become a genie that refuses to be put back in the bottle.

Border Patrol agents in San Diego, California, are now following in the footsteps of their counterparts in Tucson, Arizona, releasing hundreds of illegal border crossers onto American streets because of a lack of capacity for holding them.

Video footage obtained by Fox News showed hundreds of migrants, including many from places such as China and Pakistan, being let out of buses. In the video, a conversation can be heard between a migrant and a Border Patrol agent.

The agent says, “You’re free to go on and do wherever [sic] you want. You’re free.”

“It’s no problem if I go to Chicago?” the migrant asks. The agent responds with “You can do whatever you want.”

According to CBS 8, the number of migrants dropped off at the Iris Avenue Transit Center was between 300 and 400.

The outlet reached out to Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) about why there is a surge of unauthorized crossings at the border. The agency replied with a statement:

Currently, callous human smuggling organizations are moving migrants through the enforcement zone in the San Diego area. U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) prioritizes the use of personnel and resources based on need, and all resources are being utilized to the maximum extent possible. As such, our USBP agents leverage all available resources to apprehend, transport, screen, and process migrants as expeditiously and safely as possible. USBP recognizes at-risk populations may require additional care or oversight and prioritizes the transportation and processing of these migrants. Such at-risk individuals, including families and children, are brought to Border Patrol facilities where they can receive medical care, food, and water. We remain vigilant and expect to see fluctuations in irregular migration — knowing that smugglers continue to use disinformation to prey on vulnerable individuals. We are working to address the flow of migration while safeguarding the wellbeing of migrants in our custody.

News of the releases in California comes right on the heels of the same measure being taken in Arizona. The Tucson sector has experienced 2,000 illegal border crossings per day for three days, prompting agents to resort to street releases to provide overpacked shelters with relief.

Texas has responded to the border surge by striving to secure the border in spite of the federal government’s failure to do so. Gov. Greg Abbott recently touted new border wall construction, part of Operation Lone Star. But the effort to secure Texas — and, by extension, the country — from mass migration is being challenged by the White House.

As reported by Fox News, Abbott earlier this year announced a barrier in the Rio Grande made up of floating buoys. But that project has become the subject of a lawsuit from Biden’s Department of Justice, which claims it violates federal law and is a risk to public safety.

A letter from the DOJ to Abbott prior to the suit’s filing reads: “The State of Texas’s actions violate federal law, raise humanitarian concerns, present serious risks to public safety and the environment, and may interfere with the federal government’s ability to carry out its official duties.”

A federal judge ended up ordering Texas to move the buoys, though the U.S. Court of Appeals stayed that ruling while the case makes its way through the appeals process.

Abbott has vowed to continue with his policy of busing migrants to “sanctuary” jurisdictions and to sue over a reported plan by Biden to keep migrants in Texas monitored by ankle bracelets.

Many of those “sanctuary” jurisdictions are now learning by hard experience what open borders and mass migration really mean for a community.

New York Mayor Eric Adams claims that the influx of migrants is driving prostitution and creating a “black market of employment.”

According to the Democratic mayor, the migrant surge is the cause of “an increase in prostitution in our city,” as upwards of 10,000 migrants reportedly enter the city every month.

And the migration debate could see another shakeup depending on the judicial branch’s ultimate verdict on the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. On Wednesday, a federal judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas ruled that Joe Biden’s attempt to codify DACA was illegal.

Judge Andrew Hanen’s decision came at the request of several red states, which seek an end to the program granting 580,000 foreign nationals work permits and protection from deportation. Last year the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals also held DACA to be unconstitutional.

Hanen had also handled a DACA case in 2021, when he ruled to close the program to new applicants, but allowed existing beneficiaries to continue renewing their two-year work permits. In response to Wednesday’s decision, the Biden administration is expected to file an appeal that is likely to make its way to the Supreme Court.

Click here to learn more about the immigration invasion.