Report: Montgomery, a Sanctuary County In Md., Freed Illegal-Alien Rape Suspect After ICE Detainer

Another illegal alien raped a woman in Montgomery County, Maryland, authorities allege, but the Maryland suburb that declared itself a sanctuary appears to be less concerned about the safety of the county’s women than the “rights” of illegal aliens.

The county ignored a detainer from Immigration and Customs Enforcement and released the suspect after a feeble attempt to contact the agency.

In July, the leftist county executive, Democrat Marc Elrich, declared that illegals get special protection in his jurisdiction.

The Crime

WJLA’s Kevin Lewis tracked down the story of one Rodrigo Castro-Montejo, 25, a Salvadoran illegal charged with second-degree rape and second-degree assault. On August 10, police allege, he raped a drunk woman.

The border-jumping Salvadoran was visiting town to attend a wedding, Lewis reported. After the victim picked him up at his hotel at about 11 p.m. on August 9, they stopped at a liquor store to buy two Lime-A-Ritas, which they drank at a parking garage.

Afterward, they went to Buffalo Wild Wings, where she drank a shot of rum, a shot of vodka, and a Corona Refresca. The woman told Castro-Montejo she was drunk, Lewis reported, and after a dancing for a while at another restaurant, she blacked out. Next thing she knew, she was “vomiting near a hotel elevator” and awoke later “to Castro-Montejo raping her.”

The victim jumped off the bed, showered, and left the hotel in her car and drove to the hospital, where she met detectives and opened a text conversation with Castro-Montejo

Reported Lewis:

A detective … watched as she texted Castro-Montejo. …

“I’m sorry too for what happen,” Castro-Montejo reportedly told the victim via text.

That prompted the victim to ask how they got from the restaurant to the hotel.

“I drove your car,” Castro-Montejo wrote. “Like at 2 I obviously wasn’t going to let you drive home so I thought it would be better if you slept it off or something.”

The victim proceeded to inquire if Castro-Montejo had sexual intercourse with her or if he had stopped after touching her genitals.

“Oo a little bit of both to be honest,” Castro-Montejo allegedly replied. “I’m sorry … I hope this doesn’t ruin our friendships.”

Another woman paid $1,000 of a $10,000 bond, Lewis reported, to spring Castro-Montejo from jail.

ICE Ignored

ICE told WJLA it filed a detainer on August 12, two days after his arrest, but “ICE claims Montgomery County released the Salvadoran national from jail on August 13, and in doing so, violated its own municipal policy.”

Erlich’s sanctuary diktat forbids employees from asking residents about their immigration status, the station noted, and bans “ICE agents from entering any secure portions of county jails, a sudden divorce” from previous policy. Thus must ICE agents must now monitor “unsecure public areas” to take custody of illegals, which exposes them to possible mortal danger should the illegal have a weapon.

But “Elrich’s new immigration playbook,” a county spokesman told the station, “allows [the] jailer to contact ICE should an undocumented immigrant post bond” if the illegal-alien is charged with a felony and ICE has filed a detainer.

Castro-Montejo was charged with felonies, and ICE did file a detainer. Yet Castro-Montjeo flew away, free as a bird.

The county, Lewis reported, “says it called ICE around 12 p.m. on August 13, using a phone number it had on file for a local ICE supervisor” but “that call — meant to alert ICE about Castro-Montejo’s pending release — reportedly went unanswered.”

ICE verified that Montgomery County did indeed call one employee, an “off-duty officer” who was on “travel status” and “outside of the area” on the day of the incident. ICE contended that for Montgomery County to have acted in “good faith,” jailers should have contacted multiple officers or followed the instructions listed on the immigration detainer form, which states in part:

“Notify DHS as early as practicable (at least 48 hours, if possible) before the alien is released from your custody. Please notify DHS by calling U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 410-637-4000. If you cannot reach an official at the number(s) provided, please contact the Law Enforcement Support Center at: (802) 872-6020.”

That latter number, which the county did not call, operates 24-7, Lewis reported.

In May 2017, the county landed in hot water when it ignored another detainer and released an illegal alien who took an AR-15 to school.

In August, Lewis reported, county cops charged two illegals with raping an 11-year-old girl multiple times.

Photo: Rupert Weidemann/iStock/Getty Images Plus