Report: Biden’s Illegal-alien Madness Helped Uvalde Mass Shooter

Traitor Joe Biden’s plans for The Great Replacement are partly responsible for the school massacre in Uvalde, Texas, on May 24, a report suggests.

The interim report on the shootings at Robb Elementary, where shooter Salvador Ramos murdered 19 kids and two teachers, explains that so many illegal aliens are in the area that schools are frequently on alert and locked down. So local cops might have thought Ramos was just another illegal.

The report discusses so-called bailouts at length, i.e., illegals who bail out of cars when police corner them after a high-speed chase.

Some Republicans have promised to impeach Biden for his treason at the border. The latest from the Texas House of Representatives would add another count to the long list of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Key Passages

The little-discussed passages in the report explain that cops might have been lax about Ramos’ being around the school because the illegal-alien flight problem is so bad there.

Uvalde is just 80 miles from Del Rio, Texas, Ground Zero for the invasion of illegals that are crucial to the Biden administration’s plan to overwhelm the country demographically with new voters who would pull the lever for Democrats at the ballot box.

A “factor contributing to relaxed vigilance on campus was the frequency of security alerts and campus lockdowns resulting from a recent rise of ‘bailouts’ — the term used in border communities for the increasingly frequent occurrence of human traffickers trying to outrun the police, usually ending with the smuggler crashing the vehicle and the passengers fleeing in all directions,” the report says:

The frequency of these “bailout”-related alarms — around 50 of them between February and May of 2022 — contributed to a diminished sense of vigilance about responding to security alerts.

The cause of the bailouts is Traitor Joe’s border policy. He has invited more than 1.7 million illegals into the country in fiscal 2022 alone, and has released more than one million since he took office.

The section of the report titled “Rise of ‘Bailout’ Security Incidents” details what occurs when a carload of illegals is trapped.

“Uvalde CISD [Consolidated Independent School District] police officers visit school campuses in the event of lockdowns, which occurred relatively frequently at Robb Elementary due to its proximity to the intersection of Highway 83 and Highway 90,” the report says. “Chief [Pete] Arredondo described a rise in bailouts: to avoid being stopped by law enforcement, vehicles loaded with undocumented immigrants traveling along highways leading from the border towns of Del Rio and Eagle Pass lead officers on high-speed chases that often end by crashing the vehicle and allowing the occupants to scatter.”

In other words, Biden’s open-border policy is affecting school security. The bailout problem has worsened since he took office.

Well, announcing that the borders are open might just be responsible for that problem.

Continues the report:

Numerous witnesses testified to the [Texas House Investigative] Committee that there has been an increase in bailout activity over the past 18 months. Uvalde CISD Director of Student Services Kenneth Mueller testified that since February 2021, high-speed chases have been a daily event in the Uvalde area, causing Uvalde CISD schools to be secured or locked down frequently, with 47 “secure” or “lockdown” events happening since late February 2022, and approximately 90% of those being attributed to bailouts.

The problem was so bad, the report says, that parents offered to pay for off-duty cops to patrol elementary school campuses.

At the Border

Breitbart News painted a picture of just what towns such as Uvalde face: Border agents handled 22,000 illegals the weekend before the shooting on Tuesday, May 24.

That was almost 10 percent of the more 240,000 illegals agents handled for the month.

In June, agents handled another 207,416, almost 80,000 of whom Biden released to colonize the country.

The danger of Biden’s lax border policy is almost too great to exaggerate.

One possibility: An armed human smuggler or illegal alien might open fire on the authorities during a bailout, or worse, enter a school to take hostages.