Obama Uncle Beneficiary of Deportation Moratorium

Two weeks ago, President Obama ordered a massive review of 300,000 deportation cases of illegal aliens because they had either not broken any other laws while living in the country illegally or are considered “lesser offenders.” The first high-profile beneficiary of the policy has a familiar name: Obama.

That’s right, the president’s illegal-alien uncle, Omar Onyango Obama, who was caught driving drunk and has evaded a deportation ordered since 1992, was “quietly released” from custody, the Boston Globe reported last week.

His successful evasion of the nation’s immigration laws mirrors that of Obama’s aunt, Zeituni Onyango, who hired a slick immigration attorney to convince an immigration court to give her asylum.

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Uncle Omar

Omar Onyango Obama, 67, the president’s father’s half-brother, was a liquor store clerk. As the Globe reported, cops put the cuffs on the blotto Kenyan on August 24. They “said the car he was driving darted in front of a police cruiser, nearly causing the officer to hit his car.” the Globe reported. He pleaded not guilty to drunk driving, failing to yield and negligent driving. Federal authorities held him on an immigration detainer at the Plymouth County House of Correction.

The drunken uncle’s blood alcohol level was 0.14. That’s nearly twice the legal limit. To reach that level, the 175-pound Kenyan fugitive would have had to have put away five or six drinks in an hour.

The elder Obama had procured a fraudulent Social Security number and driver’s license in Massachusetts. The federal government ordered him deported in 1992. Despite that order, he stayed, dropping off the radar screen of the ever-vigilant immigration authorities.

In 1994, he was beaten and robbed at the liquor store, and in 2006 and 2010, he was caught selling hooch to underage customers, one of whom was undercover agent. But even that didn’t earn a trip back to whatever village in Kenya he came from.

After he was arrested for drunk driving, he told police, “I think I’d like to call the White House.”

He didn’t need the help, the Globe reported. Federal authorities released him, and “refused to say whether the 67-year-old Framingham resident posted bond, whether they are keeping track of his whereabouts, or even whether they are still seeking his deportation, raising questions about public accountability in the case.”

As well, the Globe reported:

As a result of the immigration agency’s refusal to discuss the case, it is unclear what happened to Obama after he left the Plymouth County House of Correction — or whether he could be returned to jail.

An official at the Plymouth County House of Correction who would not give his name said yesterday afternoon that Obama was no longer in custody. He had been taken to Burlington, where US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has offices, he said.

Auntie Zeituni

Onyango Obama is the second of the president’s numerous African relatives to have escaped the long arm of the law.

The first was Auntie Zeituni Onyango (pictured above), a welfare queen ordered out of the country in 2004 after her visa, issued in 2000, expired. Aunt Zeituni did not believe she had to leave, she told WBZ television in Boston, because “[i]f I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen.” (Emphasis added.)

According to VDare.com’s Joe Guzzardi, Auntie lived in public housing, supposedly available only to citizens and collected $700 in monthly disability checks.”

But an unidentified benefactor interceded and hired famous immigration lawyer Margaret Wong to represent Zeituni in her efforts to remain. The unsurprising result — a Boston federal judge stayed Zeituni’s deportation order. In 2010, Zeituni was granted political asylum and is now a legal U.S. resident.

WBZ explained Auntie Zeituni’s case and her nephew’s involvement succinctly. “[Obama’s] done nothing to get her off public assistance,” the station reported in September 2010. “But he is the reason she was granted asylum after she had been living her illegally for many years. All this time she has been burden to taxpayers, and that hasn’t changed with her nephew moving into the White House.”

Auntie Zeituni, who claims she is only person on earth who can pinch the president’s ear and smack him, said she must be honored, as African custom requires.

That’s what the immigration court did in granting asylum.

No Deportations

Onyango Obama won’t, of course, be only the drunk-driving illegal alien the government releases, given the president’s order to review 300,000 deportation cases.

As The New American has reported in late August, President Obama stopped the deportations because leftist and revanchist Hispanics were enraged that “lesser offenders,” such as petty thieves and drunk drivers like Onyango Obama, were nabbed and scheduled for deportation thanks to cooperation between state and federal authorities via the Secure Communities program.

The move was predictable, given that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and John Morton, the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, have repeatedly said illegals who meet the criteria of the DREAM Act would not be deported, even though the DREAM Act is not law. If the border jumper landed here as a child, lived here for five years and was of “good moral character,” the DREAM Act proposed, the government could also consider his military service and educational status and permit him to stay.

While Napolitano and Morton enacted the DREAM Act by bureaucratic fiat, Morton was crafting his own plan. He outlined that plan in a memo that elaborated on those criteria in June, giving his underlings “prosecutorial discretion” on deportation cases, which further cemented the government’s refusal to deport illegals.

Obama’s uncle fit several categories on Morton’s endless list that considered the following:

• whether the person poses a national security or public safety concern;

• the person's ties and contributions to the community, including family relationships;

• the person's ties to the home country and condition in the country;

• the person's age, with particular consideration given to minors and the elderly. …

• whether the person is likely to be granted temporary or permanent status or other relief from removal, including as a relative of a U.S. citizen or permanent resident;

• whether the person is likely to be granted temporary or permanent status or other relief from removal, including as an asylum seeker.

In ordering the review of deportation cases, which should be technically beyond review because the deportees are here illegally, Obama essentially declared the DREAM Act de-facto law.

How many more of the president’s many relatives are roaming the country illegally we do not know, but even if they are caught, deportation is unlikely given the favored treatment the president’s kin received.

Now that Uncle Onyango is free to drive drunk again, the next time perhaps killing someone, the president’s servitors have just 299,999 cases to go.

Photo: President Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango speaks to The Associated Press during an interview in her home in Boston in 2009: AP Images