Obama’s Illegal-Alien Uncle Received Stay of Deportation

President Obama’s illegal-alien uncle, Onyango Obama, received a stay of deportation following his  DUI arrest in August, according to Judicial Watch, the conservative legal group.

Quoting documents it obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, JW noted that the elder Obama appears to be the beneficiary of his nephew’s deportation moratorium, which President Obama issued in August, and which in turn appeared after the director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), John Morton, ordered his underlings to use “prosecutorial discretion” in deporting illegals.

For his part, Onyango Obama said he wanted to call the White House after police collared him. It turns out that wasn’t necessary.

JW did not speculate about why federal officials have not deported Obama, who received his first deportation order in 1989. He is one of two of President Obama’s illegal-alien relatives living here. The other received asylum after somehow hiring a high-powered immigration attorney to help her evade deportation.


Judicial Watch obtained the document pursuant to a lawsuit it filed in April, which alleged the government refused to release documents pertinent  to Onyango Obama’s deportation. It said the government “is unlawfully withholding public records.”

JW began pursuing public documents after police put the cuffs on the inebriated Kenyan. The group filed a second request after federal authorities released him from federal custody at the Plymouth County House of Correction on September 8, 2011, via an “order of supervision.” That request sought “all records of communications, contacts and correspondence” between ICE and the Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department,” as well as other organizations listed in its previous FOIA request.

According to JW, an email from Brian Hale, assistant director of public affairs for Immigration Customs Enforcement to ICE chief John Morton, “confirms that the ICE curiously permitted Onyango to seek the reopening of his deportation proceedings closed in 1992.”

Mr. Onyango is subject to a final order of deportation. ICE had granted him a stay of deportation effective until June 5, 2012.

The stay was granted to allow him to attend pending criminal proceedings and to seek reopening of his deportation proceedings, which concluded before the Board of Immigration Appeals on January 29, 1992.

On March 27, 2012, the Framingham Massachusetts District Court entered its judgment in Mr. Onyango’s criminal case. Since his criminal case has concluded and his attorney appears not to have filed a motion to reopen, ICE is requiring Mr. Onyango to report to our Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations in Burlington, MA on April 12,2012 at 10:30 a.m. with his attorney of record.

At that appointment, arrangements, including medical accommodations, will be discussed to effectuate his departure from the United States on an appropriate date.

Absent a change in circumstances, ICE does not intend to deport him at the time of his April 12 appointment.

JW did not say whether Obama’s “stay” is still in effect. We may presume the longtime illegal alien is still in the country.

Onyango Obama’s Saga

The long-running saga of Onyango Obama began in 1963 when he arrived in the country “to attend a prestigious preparatory school in Cambridge,” the Boston Globe reported at the time of his arrest. He was “under the limited supervision of the president’s late father,” the newspaper reported.

The Globe reported that Onyango dropped out school, but federal authorities didn’t catch up with  him and order him out of the country until 1989. He appealed that order, which delayed his exit for three years. In 1992, the government ordered him to leave the country again.

He didn’t. Apparently, the thought of physically putting the recalcitrant illegal alien on a plane with a one-way ticket back to Africa did not occur to federal immigration authorities.

Like the president’s alcoholic, bigamist father, Onyango Obama has an insatiable thirst for alcoholic beverages and went to work at a liquor store.

Police arrested him after he nearly crashed into a police car in Framingham, Mass. As The New American reported at the time, police charged him with operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol (DUI), failing to yield, and negligent driving. Obama’s blood alcohol content was 0.14. For a man his size, 175 pounds, he would have had to have consumed about a half-dozen drinks in an hour to reach that level of alcohol concentration.

After the arrest, ICE briefly detained the president’s uncle. In March, he admitted the crime, acknowledging that prosecutors have sufficient evidence to convict him.

Despite all this, and that authorities once again had the illegal Kenyan in custody again, they let him go. Instead of a trip back to Kenya, he received a “hardship license” to drive so he could continue working at the liquor store.

ICE ordered Onyango Obama to stay in touch with them.

Many Interactions With Police

As with so many illegal aliens caught driving drunk, Onyango’s Obama’s arrest in August was not his first encounter with police during the 20 years he faced deportation, during which time he had a driver’s license and Social Security card. Police nailed him twice, in 2010 and 2006, for selling alcohol to minors. Yet in the country he stayed.

Now, Onyango has hired the same immigration lawyer, Margaret Wong, who wangled asylum for President’s Obama Aunt Zeituni, a welfare queen who thinks the United States owes her a living. A sense of entitlement is apparently something of a family trait among the Obamas. “If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen,” Aunt Zeituni told a television station. (Emphasis added.)

Not that Onyango Obama needed a lawyer anyway.

As The New American has been reporting for more than year, the Obama administration has incrementally and insidiously undermined federal immigration law by making the failed DREAM Act, the amnesty for illegals that failed in the Senate in December, 2010, de facto law.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and ICE chief Morton have repeatedly said they will not deport aliens who do not violate criminal statutes. Pursuant to that decision, in June 2011, Morton issued a memorandum that gave underlings “prosecutorial discretion” in deporting illegals. The memorandum contained a list of criteria that expanded upon the lengthy list of excuses the DREAM Act provided for illegal aliens to stay in the country. Morton’s included these criteria that would apply to Obama’s illegal-alien relatives:

  • whether the person poses a national security or public safety concern;
  • the person’s ties and contributions to the community, including family relationships;
  • the person’s ties to the home country and condition in the country;
  • the person’s age, with particular consideration given to minors and the elderly. …
  • whether the person is likely to be granted temporary or permanent status or other relief from removal, including as a relative of a U.S. citizen or permanent resident;
  • whether the person is likely to be granted temporary or permanent status or other relief from removal, including as an asylum seeker.

After Morton published his memo, Obama ordered a halt to 300,000 deportations. Three weeks ago, after Obama partly prevailed in his battle against Arizona’s tough immigration law, he decided he will not deport young illegal aliens, the first statement Obama himself has made that the DREAM Act is now law.

Related stories:

Judicial Watch Sues Feds Over Obama Uncle Records   

Obama’s Illegal-immigrant Uncle May — or May Not — Be Deported

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Photo: This Aug. 24, 2011 booking photo provided Aug. 30, 2011 by the Framingham Police Department shows Onyango Obama, arrested in Framingham, Mass., for several infractions, including operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol.: AP Images;  Photo: Glass with alcoholic beverage and car key on the wooden table via Shutterstock