Migrant Caravan an Organized Push To Get Jobless Central Americans Into U.S.

As an army of invaders 7,500 strong heads to the southern border of the United States, questions remain about who is funding and feeding the relentless horde as it travels through Mexico.

The one thing we do know is that it wasn’t, and isn’t, a spontaneous movement of those fleeing persecution. It is organized, it has leaders, and their object is to push thousands of jobless Central Americans, some of them already deported multiple times, into the U.S. economy and into its system of public education, free healthcare, and welfare goodies.

The goals: weaken American resolve to defend its sovereignty, and destroy the U.S. border.

Get a Job, Send the Money Home
The “migrants” have been honest about their goal, as NBC tweeted to promote its story, one migrant woman “hopes to reach the U.S. and find work to send money back home.”

As well, the Washington Post quoted jobless migrants who had been deported multiple times but apparenlty don’t respect the law, and so keep coming back. Immigration status regardless, the “migrants” somehow got the idea they have a right to be here.

“It’s time for me to go back to the United States. It’s a country where I can live my life, unlike Guatemala,” said Job Reyes, 36, who had spent most of his childhood and teenage years in Los Angeles, attending kindergarten through high school there.

Happily, Reyes at least understands the law, and returned home after his visa expired 14 years ago. But then “‘when I heard about the caravan, I knew it was my chance,’ he said. He called his cousin and uncle in California and told them he was on his way.”

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The Post story detailed others as well:

Imner Anthony Fuentes, 29, had the same reaction. He had been deported five months ago from Birmingham, Ala. His son was still living there, with his U.S. citizen girlfriend, not far from the framing store where Fuentes had worked for six years. He was used to the back-and-forth: He said he had been deported six times.

“That’s just how it is,” Fuentes said. “They catch you, and you try to get back.”

Juan Jimenez, 32, said he was deported back to Honduras six months ago from Phoenix, where he worked for a wood-flooring business. He was on his way to see his 6-year-old son, still living in Arizona.

“I miss him,” he said.

Evin Mata, 21, said he was deported three months ago from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where he worked in construction not far from the city’s airport.

“We are workers. What are we supposed to do in Honduras if there’s no work?” he said.

And “most of the migrants were not planning to apply for asylum,” the Post reported.

The Associated Press quoted another migrant, this one a Guatemalan who also explained why she joined the human anaconda as it slithered through her country: “Even though the goal is to reach the U.S. border, she said: ‘We only want to work and if a job turns up in Mexico, I would do it. We would do anything, except bad things.’”

Is the caravan a long parade of helpless women, tiny toddlers, and wailing, starving infants? Fox News reported that 80 percent of those applying for asylum are men younger than 35.

It’s Organized
The caravan is not a spontaneous movement. It has organizers and “leaders” affiliated with leftist, open-borders groups frequently quoted in the press.

The AP quoted “Denis Omar Contreras, a Honduran-born caravan leader also with Pueblo Sin Fronteras, [who] said accusations that the caravan is harboring terrorists should stop.”

As well, two caravan leaders have been arrested, as The New American reported last week. Mexican cops collared an organizer with Pueblo Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders), while former Honduran lawmaker Bartolo Fuentes, “who is said to have organized the march,” Fox reported, “was detained by Guatemalan authorities after failing to register with migration officials upon entering the country.”

An analyst with The Heritage Foundation flatly stated that Fuentes organized the caravan, as have other media. Fuentes “originally got the word out to Hondurans,” NBC reported, “calling them to meet at the San Pedro Sula bus station to leave the country.”

Those leaders and the organizations they represent get their money from somewhere. It might be inaccurate to claim that subversive philanthropist George Soros is “funding the caravan.” But if his many-tentacled political empire subsidizes any of the groups providing food, money, or coordinating the movement, then he is certainly subsidizing it indirectly.

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