Local TV Station Exposes CNN Attempt to Spin Border Truth; Acosta Proves Trump Right

CNN, the leading anti-Trump news organization, was caught putting the news through its spin cycle again, but not, this time, by professional watchdogs who keep an eye on such doings.

Rather, a local television station in San Diego nailed the Trump-hating network for a lie by omission.

The network, which employs several leftist media professionals addled by severe Trump Derangement, refused to broadcast a report from an on-the-ground reporter who would say that a border wall will, indeed, stop illegal immigration.

That, of course, contrasts with the Official View of Organized Media, whose leading propagandist is CNN’s White House reporter Jim Acosta.

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CNN Dumped Local Reporter

CNN spun its anti-wall narrative not by anything it reported in this case, but instead by what it refused to report: that is, that the wall will work, as local reporters in San Diego well know.

Two anchors for KUSI, the local television station, explained what CNN did in a 40-second report.

“As a sign of the times in this debate on the shutdown,” one said, “CNN asked if KUSI would provide a reporter to offer our local view of the debate, especially to learn if the wall works in San Diego.”

KUSI obliged by offering Dan Plante who has, they said, “reported many times that the wall is not an issue here. In fact, most officials believe it is effective.”

CNN wouldn’t let that cat out of the bag, and thus “declined to have us on their programs, which often present the wall is not required in other places like the stretch of the Texas border the president visited earlier today. They didn’t like what they heard from us.”

Of course, CNN denied the truth.

“We called several local stations to book someone for a show,” the Hate-Trump network reported. “We didn’t end up booking any of them. That happens many times every single day. We did, however, book a reporter from KUSI for a story on immigration and the border wall in November. This is a non story.”

CNN’s Brian Stelter, known as B.S. by his critics on Twitter, didn’t like KUSI’s report at all, and accused Fox talker Sean Hannity of “spreading B.S. about CNN again.”

Acosta Goofs Again

In fact, spreading B.S. is CNN’s job.

Thus, in an embarrassing if amusing take in McAllen, which President Trump visited the other day to show just why the nation needs a border wall, CNN’s Acosta filmed several segments on main roads near a border steel barrier to show that few if any migrants are crossing the border.

“You can see through these slats to the other side of the U.S.-Mexico border,” Acosta reported. “But as we’re walking along here we’re not seeing any kind of imminent danger. There are no migrants trying to rush toward this fence here in the McAllen, Texas area.”

That was true enough.

“As a matter fact there are some other businesses here behind me along this highway, there’s a gas station, Burger King and so on, but no sign of the national emergency that the president has been talking about. as matter of fact, it’s pretty tranquil down here.”

But that merely proved, as one YouTuber noted, that walls work.

Where the border lacks barriers, as ABC’s Matt Gutman showed the very same morning, migrants cross when they wish. Once caught, border agents release them into the country.

“So many [were] surrendering themselves we struggled to keep up,” Gutman reported from a remote area near McAllen. Gutman reported that border agents collared 15 illegal aliens in just six minutes.

Gutman’s video also showed a frightening number: 700 illegals a day cross the border, and last month alone, border agents contended with 25,000 families.

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Not His First Fib

This isn’t the first time Acosta has tried to pass his immigration opinions off as gospel truth.

He did so during the notoriously inappropriate exchange with the president that ended with the White House temporarily lifting his credentials.

Complaining about the president’s campaign ad that depicted migrants storming through Mexico’s border fence, Acosta essentially called the president a liar. The “migrant” invasion force that was heading for the border, he claimed, would not try to enter the United States by force.

“They’re not going to be doing that,” Acosta predicted, arguing about video footage that showed them “doing that.”’

But that’s exactly what the “migrants” have done at least twice since landing in Tijuana.


Photo: screen-grab from KUSI news broadcast