Invasion USA: Migrant Caravan Heads to U.S. — Just in Time for Midterms

Quite conveniently, as poll numbers showed the Democrats’ “blue wave” wavering, a migrant caravan began heading toward our shores — just in time to become a midterm election issue. President Trump vowed to cut foreign aid to Central America if the invasion wasn’t halted, and he’s now following through on that threat in the hope that money talks. Nonetheless, the caravan still walks.

The invasion, estimated to now have swelled to 7,200 strong, is the result of decades of purposely poor migration policy. Obviously, Human Nature 101 informs that rewarding a behavior encourages more of it. The message we’ve sent — sneak into the U.S. any way you can, and you’ll get kid-glove treatment, benefits and, perhaps, even amnesty — guarantees a continual flow of opportunistic migrants.

Yet some are a bit more than just opportunistic. As American Thinker’s Monica Showalter reported Sunday, “Waving the flag of the country they’re desperate not to be sent back to [Honduras], and burning tires in front of the Tegucigalpa-located embassy of the nation they’re supposedly desperate to live in [the United States], the Honduras caravan migrants, their organizers and their supporters don’t exactly come off as big fans of the United States.”

Question: What kind of group carries a foreign flag while seeking to illegally penetrate your border?

Perhaps the answer is, as the Daily Mail claims: a group that’s the handiwork of “Honduran former deputy Bartolo Fuentes, who was deported from Guatemala for organizing the massive migrant caravan heading to the US.”

Who is Fuentes? Showalter calls him a “far-left” politician who is a “supporter of Hugo Chavez and Mel ‘cowboy hat’ Zelaya.” Chavez paved the way for the current Venezuelan eating-cats-and-dogs socialism disaster, while ex-Honduran president Zelaya was ousted by his nation’s military in 2009 under orders from the Honduran supreme court for trying to undermine the country’s constitution (he was supported by Obama, though).

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So what can be said about these migrants? Showalter has a definite opinion, writing that their behavior 

makes these caravaners rather different in kind from past immigrants to the United States, the people who’d kiss the ground upon their arrival and who would write paeans to the golden door and the shining city on the hill.

Not these guys.

The caravan is exposing the ugly underbelly of what it’s really about — an invasion of sorts, a conquest, a bid to lay gringo low — rather than a legitimate interest in legally immigrating and assimilating into the American melting pot. The only thing such anti-American haters could possibly want in demanding to be let in, legally or not, seems to be benefits, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer, and to stick it into law-abiding America’s [sic] faces that they’re the ones who determine what the law is, not the Americans they hate. For the criminal population among them, there’s also the bigger mayhem opportunities.

This is no doubt why Trump, though he’s being condemned for it by Fake News Central, recently characterized some in the caravan as “bad people” at an Arizona rally (video below).

It’s also perhaps part of the reason why the president announced Monday, “‘We will now begin cutting off, or substantially reducing, the massive foreign aid’ that the United States gives Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador,” reports the AFP.

Rightfully so, too — especially since the caravan seems about as organic as the violence at trump rallies, which we now know was often orchestrated by Democrat operatives. As Fox News pundit Laura Ingraham wrote in an Oct. 17 tweet, “Who is funding the migrant ‘caravan’? Each migrant’s passage can cost as much as $7K each. Per capita income [in] Honduras is $2.3 K.” And as I tweeted the same day:

Screenshot 2018 10 23 Selwyn Duke on Twitter

Now consider what One News Now wrote about a May caravan invasion: According to a report, several “major ultra-liberal foundations and corporations have supported the asylum-seeking migrant caravans, and Soros’ funding has been tied to several groups that have spearheaded the ‘refugee’ invasion coalition — also dubbed ‘the Soros Express.’”

Of course, as the left-wing mainstream media points out (big surprise), there’s no proof that the current invasion is orchestrated by powerful forces behind the scenes. But the timing is most suspicious.

In fairness, not all the caravan members are bad people (and Trump never said otherwise). But much as how the Muslim migrants flooding Europe were portrayed incorrectly as desperate refugees, this migration is a con.

Having been to India many years ago, I know what starving people look like — and none are among these migrants. Visual scrutiny informs that they’re clearly well fed; some are burly, and a few are even overweight. In fact, the very last picture in the aforementioned Daily Mail article features a cute, quite healthy looking young boy leaning on a colorful backpack and using what appears to be an iPhone! Please.

Commentator Pat Buchanan is correctly calling the caravan part of “the ongoing invasion of the West from the Third World.” “Unwanted mass migration is the issue of our time,” he writes, “as there is no foreseeable end to it before it alters America irremediably.” This is the real issue and is why leftists — as represented by the Democrat Party — love (im)migration.

They want that irremediable alteration. They know that 85 to 90 percent of our post-1968 immigrants, and virtually all illegal migrants, hail from the Third World. They also know that 70 to 90 percent of these people, if they cast ballots, vote Democrat upon naturalization. They are importing their voters.

The demographic change this causes is one reason why socialism, once taboo, is now marketable politically in many parts of our country. This brings us to the aforementioned “con”: Leftists encourage the invasion of our nation claiming to care about “poor migrants,” but they really only care about power. And in their lust for it, insofar as they can’t change the American people’s mind, they’ll just change the American people.

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Photo: AP Images