Illegal-alien Invasion Crisis Not Just at the Border

Bad as the crisis is in the southwest for Customs and Border Protection, it doesn’t seem much better in the towns and cities where illegal aliens hide once they slip past CBP or or CBP releases them.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement has nailed nearly 140 illegals in the last few weeks who were identity thieves, welfare fraudsters, drug traffickers, drunk drivers, and sex fiends. The agency deported a Salvadoran gangbanger wanted back home where he belongs.

The upshot? Illegal-alien criminals are working overtime to rob, maim, molest, and kill Americans.

12 Dominicans Charged
On Thursday, ICE reported, federal prosecutors nailed 12 Dominicans on a long list of crimes that involved identity and welfare theft and drug trafficking.

“The investigation targeted document and benefit offenders who allegedly used the identities of U.S. citizens from Puerto Rico as their own,” ICE reported. Ten of the criminals were illegal aliens, and six “have criminal records in the names of the victims whose identities they stole.”

Among the charges the dozen face are aggravated identity theft and misusing a Social Security number. Nine federal search warrants permitted the seizure of narcotics and bogus IDs.

The probe of the 12 began in December. Federal prosecutors say the 12 were using Puerto Rican identities, and that “analysis from this phase of the investigation revealed that many of the wire transfers discovered are believed to be illicit proceeds of narcotics trafficking and/or alien smuggling, with funds wired to areas of concern in Mexico, including Juarez, Sinaloa, Mexico City, and Culiacan, and along with Southwest U.S. border.”

123 More
Beyond that, earlier this month ICE arrested 123 illegal aliens in New Jersey, among them a previously-deported sex fiend and drunk driver from Mexico. Ninety percent of those arrested had prior criminal convictions. ICE targeted illegals with prior arrests and convictions.

The 123 comprised 41 Mexicans, 24 Guatemalans, 16 Ecuadorians, 14 Hondurans, eight Salvadorans, six Peruvians, three Brazilians, three Costa Ricans, two Poles, two Spaniards, one Jamaican, one Dominican, one Nicaraguan, and one Trinidadian.

“They range from age 19 to 56 years old,” ICE reported, “and the great majority were arrested or previously convicted of driving under the influence.”

Yet the miscreants also had myriad arrests and convictions for fraud, burglary, forgery, gambling, sex crimes, and distribution and possession of narcotics.

The ages, crimes, and nationalities include:

• a 50-year-old Honduran convicted of DUI and burglary;

• a 30-year-old Mexican national, convicted of DUI and endangering the welfare of a child;

• a 32-year-old Mexican convicted of DUI and endangering abuse/neglect of a person;

• a 38-year-old previously-deported Mexican convicted of DUI and indecent assault of a minor.

• a 41-year-old Peruvian convicted of DUI, shoplifting, promoting gambling, and distribution of marijuana;

• a 38-year-old previously-deported Guatemalan convicted of aggravated assault and possession of a weapon;

• a 42-year-old previously deported Ecuadorian convicted of criminal sexual contact and recently arrested for DUI;

• a 39-year-old Mexican national convicted of DUI, simple assault, endangering-sexual contact with a minor, unlawful taking a means of conveyance; and,

• a 27-year-old previously deported Honduran convicted of criminal restraint/risk serious bodily injury and with active warrants of DUI, domestic violence and disorderly conduct.

Illegal aliens who drive under the influence or even just drive recklessly are a major threat on American roads and highways. As The New American reported on Saturday, all seven of the illegal aliens on ICE’s recently created list of Most Wanted Fugitives killed someone in a traffic fatality. Most were drunk.

One of the fugitives on that list is the Honduran drunk driver accused of killing Sarah Root, the young woman President Trump mentioned in his speech at the Republican National Convention in 2016.

Gangbanger Deported
Unhappily, taxpayers are on the hook to pay for housing, feeding, and providing medical care for these criminals, but at least ICE got rid of one dangerous criminal.

A few days before ICE arrested the 123, it deported a Salvadoran thug wanted back home for aggravated robbery, extortion, blackmail, and gang-affiliation. Jose Eduardo Guerrero-Romero got a ride back to El Salvador courtesy of ICE Air Operations.

Cops in Stamford, Connecticut, arrested him in June. When ICE Enforcement and Removal officers caught up with him in jail, a record check revealed the arrest warrant in El Salvador.

Salvadoran law enforcement say he’s a member of the La Maquina gang.

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