Homeland Security Staffer Censors Ted Cruz at Texas Border Facility
Image of Ted Cruz: Screenshot from senate.gov
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

A woman who Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) described as a “senior advisor” who works “for the commissioner” attempted to prevent Cruz and other senators from taking photos and videos of the now infamous border facility at Donna, Texas.

Attempted to prevent photos and videos, but largely failed.

Under the guise of “respecting the people,” the female staffer blocked Cruz from taking video of the sardine-like conditions in which some 4,000 migrants who have illegally crossed into the United States are being held. The facility at Donna, Texas, is designed for only 1,000 and with COVID-19 restrictions is only supposed to house 250.

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“Please give dignity to the people. Please give dignity to the people,” the yet-unnamed woman pleaded as she blocked Cruz from taking video inside the facility. “Please respect the people, the rules.”

Cruz, who along with fellow Texas senator John Cornyn (R) led 18 U.S. senators on a tour of the ravaged border area confronted the woman. “So, you work for the commissioner, you’re a senior advisor, you were hired two weeks ago and you’re instructed to ask us to not have any pictures taken here because the political leadership at DHS (Department of Homeland Security) does not want the American people to know it,” Cruz said.

“Please don’t treat the people as such,” the woman begged Cruz.

“Your policies, unfortunately, are trying to hide them. I understand that you were instructed,” Cruz replied. “I respect them and I want to fix this situation, and the administration that you work for is responsible for these conditions.”

Unfortunately, for the unidentified staffer and the Biden administration, the photos and videos of the inhumane conditions created by their policies that welcome illegal immigrants quickly appeared on social media. Images show tightly packed illegal immigrants wrapped in silver Mylar emergency blankets writhing around on the floor of the facility next to each other — no social distancing being enforced whatsoever.

The COVID-19 infection rate at the Donna facility is reportedly as high as 10 percent.

Ironically, the same people who complained endlessly about “kids in cages” during the Trump administration seem intent on hiding those same cages from the view of Americans now that they’re in charge of the situation — a situation made far worse by their open-door policies.

“For four years we heard Democrats and the media talking about kids in cages under President Trump. Joe Biden has built more cages, the cages are bigger and they’re more full,” Cruz told Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo.

Cruz was not the only senator who the Biden administration attempted to censor during the excursion to the Texas border. Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind.) related his story to the Washington Examiner on Saturday.

“There was one of Biden’s representatives. I felt sorry for the lady because she actually talked to me about deleting a picture, but by the time she got to me, all those other pictures were taken, and that shows you the hypocrisy,” Braun said — it’s unclear whether Braun was speaking of the same woman that Cruz encountered.

Braun added that Border Patrol agents with whom they toured the region also advised that no photos or videos be taken. “None of us would have gone down there if we were going to be muzzled,” Braun said.

The Democratic National Committee blasted the fact-gathering trip as a political side-show. “In a desperate attempt to mislead the country, world renowned political clown Ted Cruz and his hapless sidekick John Cornyn are bringing their show on the road with their latest political stunt,” the DNC said in a statement.

It might indeed be a “stunt.” But it’s a highly informative one. It’s shown exactly what Democrat immigration policies have led to — a humanitarian crisis.

At his highly staged press conference last Thursday, President Biden promised transparency on the issue — just not right now when the situation is clearly out of control. “I will commit to transparency, and — as soon as I am in a position to be able to implement what we are doing right now,” Biden rambled. Asked by a reporter when that transparency could be expected, Biden said, “I don’t know, to be clear.”

“I don’t know, to be clear.” Perhaps no six words have summed up a president’s first three months in office better.