GOPers Join Hard Left, Big Business Amnesty, Open-borders Pow Wow
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The Gang of Eight that failed to push through an illegal-alien amnesty during the second Obama administration has become the Gang of 10. And now it includes members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Eight senators and two congressmen will participate in tomorrow’s amnesty summit sponsored by the American Business Immigration Coalition.

“Reigniting the Economic Engine: Immigration Solutions for 2021” is a virtual meeting that will offer multiple panels to explain why Americans need more foreign farm labor and “high-skilled” foreign workers. Also on the agenda are refugees and temporary protected status for illegal aliens whom the federal government cannot or will not deport.

Deportations, of course, are not on the agenda for incoming “President-elect” Biden. That shouldn’t mean the GOP must further hasten the demographic demise of old stock Americans and put more Americans out of work with foreign replacements. But that, apparently, is exactly what the pro-illegal alien Republicans plan.

Included in the 10 are four GOP senators and two House members, a majority of the open-borders lobby’s latest gang.

So Republicans, it seems, will lead the charge for Biden’s amnesty.

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The Gang 
The latest “gang” includes four members of 2013’s Gang of Eight: Democrat Senators Chuck Schumer of New York, Dick Durbin of Illinois, and Robert Menendez of New Jersey. The Republican is Senator Marco Rubio of Florida.

The pro-amnesty GOP senators also include John Cornyn of Texas, Susan Collins of Maine, and Thom Tillis of South Carolina.

The GOP House members are Mario Díaz-Balart of Florida and Will Hurd of Texas.

They will assemble under ABIC’s auspices, the advertising says, because “building bipartisanship on immigration reform is more important than ever.” 

“Hear from elected leaders on the path forward in 2021,” the flyer says, “path forward” being code for what Biden plans. He will give amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens, provide Big Business with cheap foreign labor, and cement permanent Democrat power with open borders.

The gathering will feature nine panels. The titles telegraph what’s coming in the next four years with two subversives running the county as of January 20. That would be Sleepy Joe and his hard-left lady sidekick, Kamala Harris. Recall that Harris, the angry, ungrateful daughter of immigrants, celebrated India’s independence anniversary with a speech that called Indians “our people.”

What Harris thinks Americans are is unclear, but ABIC’s panels are clear on one thing. Big Business is building yet another mass movement for cheap labor.

Collins and Tillis will participate in “Bipartisan Path Forward 2021,” while Will Hurd will pontificate on “Building a Bipartisan Coalition.” Those panels that will undoubtedly explain how the GOP can de-Trumpify itself and help pass an amnesty.

“Stabilizing the U.S. Farm Workforce” will include Díaz-Balart, while Cornyn will participate in a “Fireside Chat.”

Rubio’s panel is “Small Business Recovery.”

None will join “State of Play for Refugees and TPS,” an anodyne title for a panel that will, of course, push for more “refugees.” That’s yet another daft idea meant to swamp the country with foreigners.

Corporate and non-profit participants in the open-borders confab include the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the George-Soros funded United We Dream. Another is the leftist National Immigraiton Law Center. Also on board: Penny Pritzker, Barack Hussein Obama’s Commerce Secretary.

Republicans Dump Trump on Immigration
Not long after Election Day, as Breitbart reported, Republicans began jabbering about compromise with Biden on an amnesty, which has repeatedly failed since 2007.

As Roll Call’s Chris Cioffi tweeted, South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham, another Gang of Eighter, began blabbing right away.

“If we keep the Senate which I think we will and I become Budget chairman. I’d like to create a dialogue about how can we finally begin to address the debt,” Graham said: 

You’ll see from me a reliable conservative, vote. You’ll see from me, stopping an agenda I think is bad for the country…

…But you’ll also see me trying to find common ground that would benefit all of us and a good place to start, I think, would be the debt and infrastructure and immigration.

America First Trump supporters were furious, Breitbart reported:

“Graham pledging to work with Democrats on immigration? We know exactly what that means. A mass amnesty bill,” RJ Hauman from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) told Breitbart News.

“No matter what ends up happening, Trump has forever changed the Republican Party — it is now the party of protecting American workers and secure borders, not amnesty and cheap foreign labor,” Hauman said….

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) told Breitbart News that “any amnesty ensures Texas and Arizona and Florida will be solid blue and would join southern California as a once red area.”

“These states would likely stay blue for a generation, leaving one-party control like California,” Gosar said. As Pew Research Center recently noted, high legal immigration levels of more than 1.2 million green card admissions a year drives up Democrat support in most swing states.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) said, “There is no common ground between conservative Republicans” and Biden on immigration. Biden’s plan includes amnesty for all illegal aliens, freeing border-crossers into the interior of the U.S., providing free healthcare to illegal aliens, and increasing the flow of foreign visa workers into the U.S. labor market to compete for jobs against Americans.

H/T: Breitbart