Border Officials Expect Illegal-Alien Invasion. And Biden Won’t Stop It.
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The Homeland Threat Assessment from the Department of Homeland Security and Mark Morgan, acting chief of Customs and Border Protection, suggest that Americans will face another major illegal-alien invasion in fiscal 2021.

For the year just ended on September 30, border agents apprehended almost half a million illegals, a substantial drop from the more than 950,000 the year before.

But now, the DHS report notes, illegal aliens are again marching to the border, the Chinese Virus pandemic notwithstanding. CBP data from the border confirm that conclusion.

And if open-borders candidate Joe Biden wins the presidency, that steady flow, which has been increasing for months, might well become a tsunami.

On a positive note, CBP has built nearly 400 miles of border wall since January.

The Report
But that wall isn’t complete. The illegals know it. And they know a President Biden will open the borders.

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“As COVID-19-related restrictions on mobility ease, we are seeing an increase in illegal immigration flows to pre-pandemic levels,” the report says:

Illegal immigration flows within the Western Hemisphere have begun to increase after a short-term decline in response to the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic and countries instituting border transit restrictions. Over the medium term, mass migration might occur if the economies of the Caribbean, Central and South American countries continue to decline and if the health and humanitarian response capabilities continue to deteriorate due to COVID-19. Mass migration especially might occur if these negative conditions are coupled with an economic resurgence in the United States.

Though Mexico and other Latin American nations are stopping illegal immigration for now, once they drop the measures they have taken, “there will be sporadic illegal immigration into and through the region,” the report says.

The resulting surge of apprehensions “will lead to an increased number of fear claims, requiring USCIS to dedicate additional resources to protection screenings and away from addressing case backlogs such as the asylum case backlog.”

Most of those fear claims are false, as the The New American has reported. But that aside, the post-COVID surge will repeat those CBP has faced since 2014:

DHS anticipates that the number of apprehensions at the border will significantly climb post-pandemic, with the potential for another surge as those who were previously prevented from seeking entry into the United States arrive at the border and as poor economic conditions around the world fuel migration….

Interviews of interdicted migrants reveal that some still desire to come to the United States, regardless of the risk posed by COVID-19, rather than face the deteriorating economic conditions in their home countries.

Measures such as border closures, quarantines, and a reduction in legitimate vessel traffic can disrupt migrant flows; however, increased food insecurity and unemployment, reduced economic opportunities, a lack of medical infrastructure, and other second- and third-order effects in migrants’ home countries serve as likely push factors resulting in increased maritime migration to the United States.

Worse still, because the radical Left is waging legal war against the detention of illegals, immigration authorities must release dangerous criminals.

The “lack of bipartisan support of detention measures continue to undermine U.S. immigration enforcement policies,” the report says. “Such inconsistent practices continue to lead to the release of dangerous criminal aliens and absconders who may then commit additional crimes when they might otherwise have been expeditiously detained and removed from the United States.”

Last week, Fox News reported, Morgan explained what’s ahead. “If what has been accomplished is undone, we’re not just going to see another immigration crisis, we’re going to see an invasion, and I fully believe that,” he told reporters.

Again, data from CBP support the conclusion in the DHS report and Morgan’s assessment. Apprehensions have increased steadily since May, as TNA reported of the monthly numbers for fiscal 2020.

Speaking about catch and release, whereby border authorities release illegals immediately after apprehension, Morgan elaborated:

Trump’s agenda, Morgan argued, closed loopholes that were exploited by smugglers and purportedly drove the migrant crisis. In conjunction with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), CBP was “forced” to release more than 400,000 immigrants living in the United States illegally for FY 2019, according to Morgan. He claimed that with reforms, authorities released “less than 15,000” immigrants in FY 2020.

As for the border wall Trump promised in 2016, DHS has completed 371 miles, progress that “did not happen by accident,” acting DHS chief Chad Wolf said last week. “The many miles of border wall system exists because of the will and vision of President Trump, and the dedication and hard work of the men and women of DHS, the Army Corps of Engineers and our colleagues from across the Administration.”

Another 210 miles are under construction, he said, and by December 31, the agency should complete 450.

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden promises to undo that progress. His campaign website calls not for securing the border but “securing our values as a nation of immigrants.”

“Building a wall from sea-to-shining-sea is not a serious policy solution — it’s a waste of money, and it diverts critical resources away from the real threats,” the website says.

During his second debate with President Trump, Biden also promised amnesty for tens of millions of illegals.