Biden Vows “Pathway to Citizenship” for 11 Million Illegals in First 100 Days
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Can America survive “Amnesty Joe?”

Joe Biden is vowing to forge “a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America.”

In an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, Biden said he would push for an immigration bill at the start of his presidency (which he and the mainstream media are treating as a given despite an ongoing legal battle that still shows hope for President Trump), though he expects it to be an uphill fight, owing to Republicans’ control of the Senate.

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However, that may change depending on the results of the upcoming Georgia runoff, which puts the fate of two Senate seats — and the balance of the chamber — in play.

“Some of it’s gonna depend on the kinda cooperation I can or cannot get from the United States Congress,” Biden told Holt.

On Tuesday, Biden said he intends to nominate Alejandro Mayorkas, a former Department of Homeland Security official under President Barack Obama, as secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. The former vice president has been vocal about his goal to peel back President Trump’s immigration restrictions and fully run Obama policies like DACA.

Some of Biden’s campaign pledges include ending the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) that keep migrants in Mexico as their hearings play out. Known as the “Remain-in-Mexico” policy, the Trump administration says it has played a crucial role in ending “catch-and-release,” by which migrants are released into the U.S. and then go into hiding, avoiding deportation.

Acting Customs and Border Commissioner Mark Morgan said that if the protection protocols were ended, a surge of illegal migration would occur.

According to Morgan, CBP and Immigration and Customs Enforcement released more than 500,000 people into the United States. Since protection protocols expansion in mid-2019, that figure has gone down, and in the 2020 fiscal year, 15,000 were released into the United States.

“If MPP is to go away it’ll be absolutely devastating,” Morgan argued.

But Biden’s assault on immigration sanity will have a bigger impact that he would like us to believe. The establishment has been spouting the “11 million illegal aliens” talking point for years. But the true figure is likely much higher. According to a study by two Yale professors and an MIT instructor, there are approximately 22.1 million illegal aliens living in the United States, more than twice previous estimates.

Then, add in chain migration to the mix; if 22 million illegal aliens are granted citizenship, they will bring their family members from abroad into the country as well (both legally and illegally), resulting in a total immigration expansion many times over what Biden is telling it will be.

That’s a lot of new Democrat voters!

One of the president’s signature campaign pledges was the construction of a wall along the border with Mexico. Despite an unwillingness by Congress to support the initiative and continued opposition in the courts, the Trump administration has successfully built nearly 400 miles of border wall so far. 

Biden, however, would stop the construction dead in its tracks.

“There will not be another foot of wall constructed under my administration,” the former vice president has promised.

This goes against the wisdom of border authorities, who say the barrier plays a critical role in preventing uncontrolled migrant flow.

“We don’t necessarily need this physical wall in every physical location but in a lot of places up to about 738 miles that are currently funded, we believe we do,” Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott told Fox News.

Moreover, Biden has promised to place a 100-day moratorium on deportation, massively increase the refugee cap, and scrap key policies the administration has put in place to reduce illegal migration.

Immigration officials argue that ending current policies, along with the moratorium on migration, would likely lead to a surge in illegal crossings.

“When that happens we’ll quickly overrun our capacity to hold those people and we’ll be back in the situation where we have to release people if the laws don’t change,” Tony Porvaznik, Border Patrol chief of Yuma Sector, told Fox.

Biden wants to paint his open borders agenda as being pro-working class, but it’s working America that would suffer most from his policies. After all, unchecked mass migration results in more taxes on the middle class, lower quality of public schools, and less safe neighborhoods for regular folks who can’t afford gated communities and personal security.