Biden, Mayorkas Released 55K Illegals Into America’s Heartland in December
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (AP Images)
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In December the Biden administration released more than 55,000 illegals into the heartland, where they can ensconce themselves in American communities, a court filing shows.

And though official numbers for December aren’t available, the number of illegals apprehended surged to almost 180,000. The figure brings the total number of apprehensions for fiscal 2022, which began October 1, to more than 500,000. If that pace of apprehensions continues, border agents will apprehend more than two million illegals by the close of the year. 

Court Case Requires Numbers

The data are released monthly pursuant to the court order that required the administration to reinstate President Trump’s Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) known as Remain in Mexico, which require illegals to stay south of the border while their asylum applications are heard.

Biden and his Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, ditched the policy in June, but Texas successfully sued to stop the subversion.

The order was clear: The administration was to reinstate MPP and obey the law. 

The latest border figures suggest someone — like Mayorkas, an unindicted visa fraudster — isn’t listening.

Border agents apprehended 178,840 illegals in December, the third month of the fiscal year, the court filing shows; 7,075 of the border-crashing invaders were Haitians. The Haitian surge began in September. A little more than 100,000 of those illegals were caught jumping the border. The other showed up at ports of entry.

December’s number is 3 percent more than November’s.

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But the numbers also show that the administration simply loosed 55,626 illegals upon the heartland, a significant number of which will never be heard from again. 

That means the administration dumped 37.1 percent of the illegals onto American taxpayers.

Writing for the Center on Immigration Studies, Andrew Arthur explained that the law is clear: Illegals must be detained, even if they are applying for asylum, “throughout the entire process — from apprehension to removal or admission.”

The administration, of course, is ignoring the law.

Crash The Immigration System

The subversion will, eventually, crash the immigration system. Indeed, that seems to be the plan given that hundreds of thousands of illegals will apply to immigration courts for admission to the country.

“Put plainly, this is a disaster, and one that will simply encourage other foreign nationals to enter the United States illegally,” Arthur wrote:

This is unsustainable, and not just at the border. According to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University, through December, there were nearly 1.6 million cases pending on the dockets of the nation’s approximately 580 immigration judges. That’s up from just over one million in FY 2019. …

Of course, unless something changes quickly, the number of new cases will far exceed 440,000 annually; .. December is not traditionally a month in which most migrants choose to enter illegally. CBPOs and agents at the Southwest border could be dealing with 250,000 to 300,000-plus illegal migrants in May, when travel season gets into full swing.

That will bring border enforcement, and the immigration court system, to a crushing halt.

Half-a-Million and More

Thus far this fiscal year, agents have apprehended 517,213 illegals; 173,620 in November and 164,753 in October, plus December’s total.

Of those, the court documents show, Biden and Mayorkas have released 145,611, including 89,985 in October and November.

That’s 28 percent of those who either jumped the border or agents took in at ports of entry.

If those totals hold up through the rest of the fiscal year, which ends September 30, border agents will handle a shade less than 2.1 million illegals.

If the administration releases almost 30 percent, American taxpayers will be saddled with more than 600,000 largely illiterate and poverty-stricken “migrants.”

As he did again yesterday, Mayorkas had made clear that he will not deport illegals. That means the administration is not “incompetent,” as some GOP leaders and establishment conservatives suggest. Biden and Mayorkas know exactly what they’re doing — trying to overwhelm the country with illegals — and they’re doing it on purpose.

That’s treason.

Hat tip: Fox News