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An 18-year-old California woman is threatening to sue Kaiser Permanente for gross negligence and fraud after doctors convinced her to begin “transitioning” to male at age 12 and to have her breasts removed at 15 — treatments that are now causing her physical and psychological distress.

Attorneys Charles LiMandri and Harmeet Dhillon sent a letter to Kaiser Permanente advising the healthcare consortium that their client, Chloe Cole, intends to sue for the maximum damages allowed by law because of the “permanent irreversible mutilation and damage to her body” wreaked by Kaiser’s doctors, who performed unnecessary “medical experimentation” on her without properly informing her of the associated risks.

Moreover, the letter alleges, rather than presenting any alternatives for resolving Cole’s gender dysphoria — not least of which was simply waiting it out, which works in the vast majority of cases — Kaiser doctors advised Cole and her parents that drugs and surgery were the only solution. They even suggested that Cole, who “had no significant indications of suicide or severe depression,” would be likely to kill herself in the absence of these interventions, asking her parents, “Would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son?”

In 2017, when she was 12 years old, Cole told her primary-care physician that she had experienced gender confusion since she was nine. She subsequently saw an endocrinologist who “advised against beginning hormone therapy due to Chloe’s young age,” the attorneys wrote.

Five weeks later, however, Dr. Lisa Taylor prescribed a puberty blocker and testosterone drugs for Cole. Cole’s parents were given an “informed consent” document to sign. “Although the signed consent form claimed that it included a statement of all known risks pertaining to the experimental therapy, the form contained no specific information regarding the actual risks of the testosterone and puberty blockers,” states the letter. “Furthermore, the form and informed consent discussions failed to identify that there have been no long-term controlled follow-up studies involving hormone treatment on children of Chloe’s age and that there are many substantial and unknown risks.”

In 2020, Dr. Susanne Watson “recommended Chloe for surgery,” and Dr. Hop Nguyen Le “performed a radical double mastectomy,” again after having her parents sign a “vague purported ‘informed consent’ document,” the lawyers allege. Seeing the results of the surgery “shocked” Cole because she had never been shown any post-op pictures of other patients.

“It was a decision that I was allowed to make at 15 and when they told me that I wasn’t going to be able to breastfeed, at the time it didn’t mean much to me because … I was a kid. I was in high school,” she told CBN News.

According to the letter:

Thereafter, Chloe began to regret the transition hormones and surgery she had undergone. She realized that she was not a “male.” She realized the hormones should never have been administered, and that the surgical intervention should never have been performed at such a young age. She has severe regrets about receiving this experimental, irreversible medical treatment without proper informed consent, if it is even possible to give such consent as a minor and at such a critical time in her life and development.

In 2021, Cole stopped taking testosterone and tried — not always successfully — to reverse some of its effects, such as the lowering of her voice. In addition to concerns about future health problems resulting from her “transition,” Cole already has indications of several serious medical conditions, her attorneys claim.

“The standard of care clearly mandated a wait and see approach in Chloe’s case, and defendants[’] decision to treat Chloe with drugs/hormones and surgery that caused permanent damage and mutilation represents gross-negligence and intentional fraudulent concealment,” they charge.

Those not in thrall to the trans cult hope that Cole’s likely lawsuit — and the many others to follow from similarly disenchanted young ex-transgenders — succeeds in putting a stop to the child abuse currently taking place under the guise of medicine.

The Heritage Foundation’s Jay Richards told CBN, “We’re going to have thousands of young people who are de-transitioning, they’re going to be mad at what’s happened and so I honestly think maybe it’s five years maybe it’s 10 years, that this is all going to end.”