Texas COVID Deaths at Zero — Without a Mask Mandate
Richard McMillin/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

On Monday, President Joe Biden declared in a Monday press conference that ‘’deaths are down from Covid by 81 percent and they are at their lowest level since April of 2020.”

Naturally, Biden credited the success of the vaccine efforts of his administration, and the continued use of masks and social distancing. But while essentially patting himself on the back, he neglected to add some other factors — and of course, the mainstream media did not call him on it.

One might recall that back on March 2, Texas Governor Greg Abbott lifted the Lone Star State’s mask mandate, which brought immediate condemnation from many public-health authorities. In fact, Biden harshly criticized the decision the next day. “The last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that in the meantime, everything’s fine, take off your mask and forget it,” he told reporters at the White House. “It’s critical, critical, critical, critical that they follow the science.”

Biden said Texas’ lifting of the mask mandate was a “big mistake.” He added, “Look, I hope everybody’s realized by now these masks make a difference.”

Despite Biden’s chastisement of Texas’ governor, the “science” seems to have supported Abbott’s lifting of the mask mandate. On Sunday, Texas recorded zero new COVID deaths. This is the first time that has happened since the pandemic began in March of last year. Not only did Texas’ death rate plummet after the lifting of the mask mandate, so did the state’s incidence of new cases.

Similar drops in deaths and cases also occurred in Florida, where Republican Governor Ron DeSantis also lifted the Sunshine State’s mask mandate. Meanwhile, in sharp contrast to the great results seen in Texas and Florida, two states led by “progressive” governors, New York and California — states that imposed strong mask mandates during the same time period — suffered through stubbornly high rates of the virus.

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While Texas had no COVID deaths on Sunday, New York had 39 new fatalities attributed to the virus. While the governments in New York and California have insisted that they are “following the science,” they are defiantly keeping their mask orders in effect despite the new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which advised that fully vaccinated people can go without masks.

New York recorded 1,085 new infections on Monday, while Texas recorded less than 400, although Texas has a greater population than the Empire State.

Biden offered no apology to the governor of Texas or the governor of Mississippi (he also criticized that state’s lifting of a mask mandate as Neanderthal thinking) for his March comments — and no one in the White House Press Corps considered it important enough to raise as an issue.

And, of course, Biden has taken all credit for the vaccines, but one might recall that it was President Donald Trump’s “Warp Speed” that brought the vaccine to the general public in record-breaking time. Pfizer announced the success of the program the week following the presidential election, which raises its own questions. Biden was among those Americans who received his first shot of the vaccine weeks before he took office, but he has yet to give any credit at all to Trump.

One of the questions that real journalists should be asking when politicians such as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, corporations, schools, and the like insist that they are just “following the science,” is just what is the criteria for lifting mask mandates, and terminating other odious practices such as shutting down churches and businesses? For that matter, just what science is being followed by left-wing politicians — including Biden — for arguing that a man can become a woman, or a woman can become a man, simply according to what they think? After all, thinking oneself is Jesus Christ or Napoleon used to make you a candidate for an insane asylum. Even those unfortunate men who were so deluded did not think they were the Virgin Mary or Mrs. Napoleon! What science is being followed by those who argue that an unborn child is not a human being, and is therefore subject to being killed in the womb?

For that matter, what was the science behind mask mandates? Even the Neanderthals were not that stupid.