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A Town Hall Meeting Stacked to the Left

“Open borders, open hearts show humanity, Workers from all walks of life enrich democracy,” the Raging Grannies, a group of older women who protest everything from war to immigration laws, sang...

ABC, NBC Refuse Anti-Obamacare Ad

The League of American Voters has sponsored a 33-second television commercial criticizing President Obama’s healthcare reform proposals, but ABC and NBC are refusing to run the ad in its current form,...

Should Republicans Save Medicare?

People used to say politics makes strange bedfellows. These days, calling any kind of  bedfellows strange might qualify as a hate crime. It is probably safer to say that the political...

Dire Swine Flu Warnings from White House

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology issued a dire warning Monday about the spread of the swine flu virus later this year, titled "On US Preparations for 2009-H1N1...