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The Goal Is Rationed Care

Item: “Only a few months after the heated battles on Capitol Hill,” said Time for June 14, “it must have been quite a relief for President Obama to turn his focus...

Overtreated to Death

From the “more is better” school of thought comes the idea that more of anything, including healthcare treatments is better, yet studies show that ‘overtreatment’ of incurable diseases has sometimes worked...

GOP-favored Alternatives to ObamaCare

Though a recently released report by House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) does  a fairly thorough and convincing job of contrasting the reality of ObamaCare with Democrats’ promises concerning it,...

Feds Fight Fat by Frying Freedom

If you think what you put into your body is your business alone, think again. The federal government, run by people who suffer from “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere may...

Dr. Ron Paul’s Cure for ObamaCare

When the U.S. financial system went into cardiac arrest in 2008, most Washington politicians raced to the nearest microphone to declare that one of the most heavily regulated sectors of the...