Oregon Lawmakers Seek Federal Grand-jury Investigation into CDC and FDA Botching COVID Stats
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The phrase “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics,” attributed to Mark Twain, seems to perfectly describe how deceptive monkeying with numbers can be. As a stark example of that, there are statistics that show that “COVID cases,” “hospitalizations,” and “deaths” seem to be just as exaggerated as the number of vaccine-related injuries and deaths is underreported. All of these “official numbers” are the cornerstone of the COVID policies and regulations that now practically serve as the supreme law of the land. Because “science.”

Two Oregon state senators, Dennis Linthicum and Kim Thatcher, state that the nation’s top health agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the top federal regulator, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are guilty of “statistical manipulation” in regard to vaccine casualties, and also to inflated numbers of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.

Advised by “a large team of world-renowned doctors, epidemiologists, virologists, and attorneys,” the senators petitioned U.S. Attorney Scott Asphaug to approve a grand-jury investigation into how the pandemic-related issues are being measured.

The letter to the attorney is dated August 16, and was reported by Just the News on Sunday. The outlet explains that the materials were withheld from the public in order to “protect those involved,” per Stand for Health Freedom (SHF), the holistic medicine and legal nonprofit behind the petition.

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The organization based its effort on the findings presented in two peer-reviewed papers titled “COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective” and “COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis.” The papers, it is stated, “verified significant findings of federal law violations by the CDC and acts of willful misconduct by the FDA that were thoroughly vetted through nine attorneys and one judge as well as stringent peer-review prior to being released publicly.” 

Vaccines: Not as Safe and Not as Effective

Senators Linthicum and Thatcher start the letter by raising concerns that deaths and injuries from the experimental COVID vaccines in use in the United States may be vastly underreported. The letter cites that the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), hosted by the CDC, reflects 12,791 reported fatalities and 571,831 reported injuries (as of August), which, according to the CDC whistleblower, may be underreported by a factor of five. The New American has covered that story here.

Then, the number of so-called breakthrough infections, which the senators say is synonymous with vaccine failure, “demonstrate that the primary method for protecting public health, while helpful to many, is not effective for all.” A letter points to the “growing number of prominent virologists, epidemiologists and medical professionals who are very troubled by the scientific phenomenon of variant resistance to vaccination.” The New American reported earlier this year that among such scientists is French virologist Luc Montagnier, who warned the vaccines facilitate the mutations of the virus. The real-world data supports that hypothesis.

Withholding Information on Treatments

The letter states that “safe and effective treatments and management strategies for COVID” are not being made available to Americans, despite the fact that “the scientific literature continues to provide empirical evidence” that such treatments exist and are widely available. The withholding of that crucial information is especially concerning since the outbreak of the Delta stain of the virus that affects both vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans, both of whom need adequate and effective treatments.

Unreliable Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Tests

While “the ability to definitively diagnose who is infectious and distinguish them from who is not is paramount in assessing the situation and ensuring the people in immediate need receive the skilled care they deserve,” the public and the healthcare practitioners are deprived from that vital tool, the petitioners state.

The letter reads,

It has been proven that the current COVID RT-PCR tests, set to a cycle threshold (Ct) of 40 by the FDA and CDC, generate false positive results due to the Ct value being set too high. To further complicate matters, the CDC has elected to set the Ct value to 28 when testing samples from vaccinated Americans.

That discrepancy, it is said, creates two different standards of measures, both of which distort the real numbers of infection. On one hand, the higher threshold of measurement generates false positives resulting in inflated numbers of COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. On the other, the lower threshold of measurement acts to eliminate false-positive results and thereby reduces the actual number of “breakthrough” cases among the vaccinated.

Stating that “a crisis does not pre-empt the Constitutions of our country or state,” the senators request for an “independent State and/or Special Federal Grand Jury Investigation” of their findings, which they describe as “disturbing.”

According to an interview Senator Thatcher did with Naomi Wolf, a prominent critic of COVID policies who has been censored for her views by Big Tech, the main problem the senators tried to address was the “significant irregularities in COVID-19 data published by the CDC” and the catastrophic outcomes of the COVID policies based on that deliberately manipulated data.

Said Thatcher:

Irregularities have played a critical role in justifying emergency executive orders […] that have been used to establish public health policies that have infringed upon the constitutionally protected civil liberties of the citizens we represent.

In addition to that,

The irregularities have led to major collateral damages including but not limited to: 1) historic small business loss and community economic collapse, 2) unacceptable rises in mental illness, drug abuse, and suicide rates, and 3) unnecessary loss of life due to withholding of evidence-based treatments from citizens in need.

The U.S. attorney’s office said last week it referred the petition to the Justice Department’s Office of Legislative Affairs. That office has not yet responded on whether or how it had answered the Oregon lawmakers’ request, per Just the News.