Jessica Rose/GoFundMe
Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

A healthy 15-month-old girl died two days after receiving her routine vaccinations. The toddler suffered liver and kidney failure and cardiac arrest, according to hospital records obtained by the local news outlet.

According to the News12 Westchester report, Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren received three unspecified vaccines on October 17 at her well-visit at the Herbert Kania Pediatric Group in Warwick, New York. Melody’s mother, Katherine Palombi, told the outlet that two days later, her daughter, exhibiting no signs of health issues, simply “stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest.”

The mother recalled,

It was the most horrible day of my life. I got to work. She waved goodbye to me that morning and then my mother called saying she was having trouble breathing. I just kept saying, she just had vaccines, she just had vaccines.

The grandmother called 911, who instructed her to perform CPR on the child until paramedics arrived. After Melody was brought to St. Anthony’s Hospital by ambulance, “emergency medical personnel and hospital staff attempted lifesaving measures for several hours to no avail.”

As of November 8, Melody’s autopsy was pending.

The mother shared that the child had been previously hospitalized with a high fever and body rash after receiving her routine vaccines at the age of two months. While Katherine suspected that it was the jabs that caused the conditions, the medics said that it was a virus.

The family attributes their daughter’s loss to vaccines. According to their GoFundMe page, God’s plan for Melody was to “share the message about the dangers of vaccines.”

The fundraiser reads:

This is not the time nor the place to change anyone’s opinion on the medical necessity for vaccinations. That is for each of you to decide on your own at your own time. The only lesson I hope to bring here today is that nothing is one size fits all. Every person, child, and baby is different. All of us, have our own threshold, of what we can handle. And that is the same for these little babies who are given so many vaccines. It is now our job to spread awareness. To educate. To question. To make sure that changes are made so that babies and children are safe.

Her little body, couldn’t handle [what] was said to be a safe and normal procedure. IT IS NOW, that we ensure Melody’s legacy saves other children from this pain that we are all suffering from today.

Presently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that 15-month-olds get up to 10 vaccine doses. By the age of 18, American children will have received over 70 doses of different vaccines, with the list regularly expanding.

Speaking with The New American in September, vaccine researcher Brian Hooker of Children’s Health Defense called the childhood vaccination program a “grand medical experiment” on American children, arguing that there were no adequate clinical trials on vaccine safety and efficacy. At the same time, the available medical literature strongly indicates that unvaccinated children have much better health outcomes than vaccinated ones.