Project Veritas
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

If you are in the Covid vaccine manufacturing industry, it is frustrating to wait for the SARS-CoV-2 virus to mutate and then try to catch up with it. After all, it takes time and money to do complicated clinical research on the numerous mutations in its structure and perform whatever efficacy tests are considered the bare minimum. By the time it’s done, the circulating virus may produce another offshoot or two, and you’ll need to return to square one.

So, as it appears from the latest Project Veritas undercover video, Pfizer has decided to go on the offensive in what scientists describe as an “arms race” between the virus and the vaccine by engineering the new Covid variants themselves.

Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer’s “Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations – mRNA Scientific Planner,” shared with Project Veritas in a casual, joyful manner that Pfizer scientists are currently “optimizing” the evolution of the Covid virus in order to create more effective vaccines.

Giggling, Walker shared,

One of the things we [Pfizer] are exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we’re gonna do that though, there’s a risk of like, as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses.

For sure, not a single sane person in the world would like to see greedy pharmaceutical companies with a long criminal history deliberately “mutating” viruses to “preemptively” create vaccines that they profit from.

The executive is open about the company’s financial motivation, regardless of whether or not it is successful in deploying its mutants. Because even natural mutations mean profits:

Because some of the times there are mutations that pop up that we are not prepared for. Like with Delta and Omicron. And things like that. Who knows? Either way, it’s going to be a cash cow. COVID is going to be a cash cow for us for a while going forward. Like obviously.

Cash cow indeed. The company’s revenue has reportedly tripled to more than $100 billion since 2019, of which some $66 billion was made off Covid shots.

How exactly is Pfizer mutating Covid? After jokingly insisting, “do not tell anyone,” the Pfizer director explained,

The way it would work is we put the virus in these monkeys and then we successively cause them to keep infecting each other and we collect serial samples from them and then the ones that are more infectious, so like the virus, we’ll put them in another monkey and you just constantly actively mutate it, that’s one way.

Dr. Robert Malone, who spoke with Project Veritas on the matter, said that the method is called a “serial passage.” According to scientific literature, the method is double-edged. On the one hand, it can be used to create an attenuated, or weakened, strain of a virus to develop vaccines. One the other, it can be used to increase its virulence, or its ability to damage its host. Since Pfizer picks “the more infectious samples,” per Walker’s admission, Pfizer is clearly pursuing the latter.

Then there’s another option. Walker continued:

Or you can even do like directed evolution, which we tend not to prefer, and you just sample what the different proteins on the surface on the virus look like over time. So there you can see the mutation and you can now force it to mutate in a certain way you want. But you have to be like very controlled to make sure that this virus that you mutate doesn’t create something that goes everywhere.

If Pfizer’s director says that this method is not something that they “tend not to prefer,” does it mean that they would not pursue it? Not likely. After all, the cash cow won’t milk itself. Interestingly, Walker drew parallels between this method and the one employed in Wuhan, the ground zero of the Covid pandemic.

The Project Veritas journalist got the same impression, observing, “It sounds like gain-of-function to me.”

Walker paused for a second. Then he said that he “doesn’t know,” immediately adding that he “thinks” that “it’s a little bit different,” and then again immediately adding, “It’s definitely not gain-of-function.” Walker prefers to call it “directed evolution.”

He continued by elaborating,

Directed evolution is very different. Well, you’re not supposed to do gain-of-function research with the viruses. They recommend not. But you do things like selected directional mutations to try to see if you can make them more potent.

Well, if the virus becomes “more potent,” then it means that it “gains function.”

In a subsequent interview, Walker implied that as long as the new mutant comes from the controlled environment of the lab, there is nothing to worry about — because there will be a vaccine ready for it! It is normal to feel nauseated while listening to this:

If you control it in a lab, then you say, “Oh, this is a new epitope.” And so then if it comes out later on in the public, we already have a vaccine kind of working on it.

There is no other way but to interpret these words as meaning that Pfizer is creating the new mutants to create and sell vaccines against them.

The worst part is, Pfizer’s at least testing the waters to see if it can successfully “direct” Covid’s evolution. According to the talkative director, “So there is research ongoing about that. I don’t know how that’s going work.…” He later added:

They’re still kind of conducting the experiments on it, but it seems like from what I’ve heard, they’re kind of optimizing it. But they’re going slow, because everyone’s very cautious. They obviously don’t want to accelerate too much. But I think they’re also just trying to do it as an exploratory thing because you obviously don’t want to advertise that you’re trying to figure out future mutation.

Obviously. But besides the publicity risks, there is a very real risk of another “lab leak,” which could lead to another pandemic, and Walker confirmed this.

But what if the government finds out about dangerous research being conducted by a major pharmaceutical company? Walker carelessly dismisses any risks on that front: “There’s a revolving door for all government officials. It’s pretty good for the industry, to be honest.” He added that federal regulators tend not to be “harsh” on the company whose employees they’d sought to become.

Dr. Robert Malone expressed his disgust with the Pfizer employee and the covert virus manipulations:

The gentleman seems to have absolutely no moral compass at all about what he’s doing. The hubris and arrogance and immaturity. If this is the quality of individuals within Pfizer that are making these huge decisions that risk global public health with such a casual disregard for the human toll, it’s profoundly corrupt in terms of would it be feasible for Pfizer to circumvent international or national law. I think that is undeniable.

Again, this would not be the first time the pharmaceutical behemoth had broken the law. This time, however, its actions have a devastating unseen potential, which the company seems to be fully aware of.

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