Biden Peddled Falsehoods About Virus, Vaccines. Most Who Die Are Not Unjabbed

Buried in President Biden’s last two talks and a tweet about the China Virus in which he urged the unvaccinated to get jabbed were the usual claims that have become bromides despite being just two years old.

It’s your obligation to your family to get vaccinated.

It’s your patriotic duty to get vaccinated.

It’s “free” to get vaccinated.

It’s only free if your 15-year-old son doesn’t wind up in the hospital with myocarditis, but anyway, Biden added that unjabbed Americans face a “winter of death” because it’s mostly the unvaccinated who die.

That claim is false.

Who Dies From the Virus?

Last week, Biden offered a nightmarish vision of a post-apocalyptic world:

For the unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.

Yesterday, it was more of the same, though less dramatic, in his talk about the Omicron variant.

“If you are not fully vaccinated, you have good reason to be concerned,” he said:

You’re at a high risk of getting sick. And if you get sick, you’re likely to spread it to others, including friends and family. And the unvaccinated have a significantly higher risk of ending up in a hospital or even dying. 

Almost everyone who has died from COVID-19 in the past many months has been unvaccinated. Unvaccinated.

But if you’re among the majority of Americans who are fully vaccinated, and especially if you’ve gotten the booster shot — that third shot — you’re much — you have much, much less reason to worry.  You have a high degree of protection against severe illness. 

And because Omicron spreads so easily, we’ll see some fully vaccinated people get COVID, potentially in large numbers. There will be positive cases in every office, even here in the White House, among the unv- — among the vaccinated — among the vaccinated — from Omicron.

But these cases are highly unlikely to lead to serious illness.

At least Biden tacitly admitted what we all know: The vaccines aren’t all that effective in preventing disease, even if they do prevent more severe symptoms.

The Truth

That aside, Biden didn’t say what scientists know about Omicron, the viral variant with which the leftist Mainstream Media is trying to cause mass panic. As the former pro-jab director of the Centers for Disease Control tweeted, citing a study from South Africa, where Omicron was identified, “Omicron is much less severe than Delta.”

The study shows that Omicron cases are 80-percent less likely to be hospitalized than other cases, the Hill reported in its summary.

Though “experts” caution that even a less-severe illness could overwhelm hospitals, that would be true of any virulent strain of a usually non-lethal virus.

Now to Biden’s claim that the unjabbed are most in danger of dying. The data, again, disprove that claim.

An analysis posted on Twitter put it this way:

Biden claims that the vast majority of covid deaths are unvaccinated.

The CDC claims that >95% of seniors are vaccinated.

The CDC also states that seniors account for >70% of all covid deaths.

The math just doesn’t work.

That analysis comports with data from New York, which show that most of those who die from the China Virus are old, fat, and sick. And those numbers have been consistent since the state began publishing them. As The New American reported in August last year, 86 percent of those who died had at least one other comorbidity or illness. Almost all who died were older than 50.

As of December 21, those data remain unchanged, and, again, comport with the figures from CDC that @humble analysis tweeted.

Of 47,671 deaths reported in New York, 45,367, or 95.2 percent, were among those 50 or older.

The data also show that 91.9 percent of those who died had at least one comorbidity such as stroke, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, or heart or kidney disease.

On the other hand, as of June, the Kaiser Family Foundation reports, most of the unvaccinated — 70 percent — were under age 50. That figure probably hasn’t changed.

As for New York, more than 70 percent of its residents are vaxxed; about 80 percent are older than 18. More than 90 percent of those older than 55 are vaxxed, and almost 100 percent of those between 65 and 74 are vaxxed.

But older New Yorkers still die with or from the Virus.

Thus, Biden’s claim — “the unvaccinated have a significantly higher risk of ending up in a hospital or even dying” — is false. Most of those who die from or with the Virus are older Americans, vaccination regardless. 

The China Virus kills the old and vulnerable, not the young and healthy.

Anthony Fauci, the man we are led to believe is the greatest physician in the annals of medicine, has not publicly corrected Biden.

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