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Two polls taken of voters a month after they elected Donald Trump to a second term asked them essentially the same question: “Do you think gun control laws work?”

Voters overwhelmingly said that more laws restricting the rights of law-abiding gun owners would have no impact on criminal behavior or gun violence.

The Polls

In the first poll, by McLaughlin & Associates (commissioned by John Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center), only 19 percent (fewer than one in five voters) favored passing more gun control laws. A comforting and reassuring 54 percent said having the police “concentrate on arresting violent, repeat criminals, and ending cashless bail to get repeat criminals off the street” would be far more effective in reducing crime and gun violence. Another 21 percent added that “more strictly enforcing existing gun control laws” would help as well.

Three out of four Americans now see through the façade offered to justify more gun control (people control) laws.

This was affirmed by a nearly identical poll taken by Rasmussen Reports at the same time (December 17-19). Rasmussen asked, “Which would do more to reduce gun violence in America?”

Fifty-six percent favored stricter enforcement of existing gun laws. Just 31 percent said that passing more gun control laws would help. With Rasmussen there was no third option (more strictly enforcing existing gun laws).

Conclusion: Americans appear finally to have awakened from the deliberately promoted false notion that laws restricting the freedoms of law-abiding citizens will have anything to do with reducing gun violence committed by criminals.

The Real Goal of Gun Control

According to Dave Workman at Ammoland:

Gun control has actually failed in its purported mission of preventing criminals from getting guns, and that proponents of restrictive gun laws are both delusional and living in denial when they claim otherwise. (Emphasis added)

He sees through the façade. “Reducing gun violence” is only a screen to hide the real agenda: gun confiscation from a free people. That inevitably (and historically) leads to tyranny.

Workman notes that in Democrat-run cities (i.e., cities heavily infested with Marxist operatives claiming to be Democrats), gun violence continues to soar. And that is despite heavy and increasing restrictions on the right of law-abiding citizens to own firearms. He points out the October slaughter of a family near Fall City, Washington, by a 15-year-old family member despite Washington state’s notoriously restrictive limits on private ownership of firearms. Washington state has an expanded background checks and a 10-day waiting period, and demands proof of firearm safety training before a citizen is allowed to exercise his right to keep and bear a firearm.

Similar encroachments and infringements in Democrat-run states like California, Michigan, Minnesota, and Illinois haven’t reduced gun violence. In some cases, the opposite has happened.

The recent gunning down (on camera) of a health-insurance company executive in anti-gun New York City perfectly illustrates the point. Gun control laws don’t reduce crime. They merely make those without the ability to defend themselves more vulnerable targets.

NRA Confirms the Facts

Not surprisingly the National Rifle Association (NRA) has long concluded that background checks don’t work (in reducing crime). Here’s why:

  • A person with no criminal history goes off the rails, walks into a gun store to purchase a firearm intending to commit a crime, and is able walk out the door with a firearm, having passed the background check system promoted by anti-gunners;
  • A drug addict (Hunter Biden) lies about his addiction on the federal background check form, and obtains the firearm without difficulty or delay;
  • A person with “mental health issues” but no history of treatment or institutionalization buys a firearm without difficulty because he has “passed” the background check.

The giveaway that reducing gun violence is a false-front argument was revealed back in 2018 in California. A study examined two decades of data and concluded that background checks had no effect on homicide rates in the state.

Need more proof that the “more guns equals more gun crime” is a canard of the first order? In the United States, thanks to Supreme Court rulings reestablishing the Second Amendment to its proper place, gun ownership has soared. But, according to the FBI (a dubious source, but believable in this instance):

Murder and non-negligent manslaughter recorded a 2023 estimated nationwide decrease of 11.6% compared to the previous year. [Emphasis added.]

What’s really afoot here? If the canard that more guns equals more crime is not true, and the fact that gun laws on law-abiding gun owners have no impact on criminals’ violent behavior is true, then what are the Democrats and Marxists really after?

Let’s ask two of the most notorious tyrants in recent memory (about which the mainstream media is predictably utterly silent):

All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns. That way, no guns can ever be used to command the party. — Mao Tse-tung

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. — Adolf Hitler

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