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John Kerry
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

John Kerry, the former Massachusetts senator and failed presidential candidate, has found new meaning in his current role as President Biden’s climate “czar.” At an address to the Scottish Global Dialogues in Edinburgh, Scotland, on August 24, the former Secretary of State lambasted those who do not agree with the globalist- and media-created “consensus” on climate change, essentially declaring war on those who disagree with the mantra that humanity’s carbon emissions are destroying Earth’s climate and, therefore, our future.

Drawing equivalencies between himself and the likes of James Hutton, the Scottish geologist whom many refer to as the “Father of Modern Geology,” and Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire, Kerry castigated those who find fault with the spurious notion that man’s emissions from fossil fuels are leading to environmental disaster.

“Despite a vast array of empirical facts beyond any shadow of reasonable doubt, despite thousands of scientists’ lifetime work accumulating hard data, and without a single piece of peer reviewed, documentation to the contrary, we are again witnessing another moment in which the persuasive force of evidence and with it, earth’s future hangs in the balance,” Kerry claimed.

Instead of reciting any of the “vast array of empirical facts” about the so-called climate crisis, Kerry chose to change tack and dive into the very unscientific and very political world of character assassination.

“All because some extremist political voices, holdout nations, and vastly vested interests have declared war on facts and science. All because they distort for political or personal gain what science and common sense dictate we humans must do to put our house in order,” Kerry said. “These interests would choose a destructive status quo over the opportunity to build a clean energy economy which can rescue our future, put millions of people to work and leave us all safer, stronger, and more secure.”

Speaking of choosing destruction, Kerry is among those who would destroy our infrastructure and economy and replace it with ineffective windmills and solar panels, essentially assuring that mankind will not thrive going forward.

“Without facts or economics on their side, they flatly deny what is happening to our planet and what we must do to save it,” Kerry lamented.

Then, in the perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black, Kerry accuses climate realists of engaging in cult-like behavior.

“They incite a movement against what they falsely label ‘climate change fanaticism,’ as they conveniently forget that the dictionary definition of a cult is the dismissal of facts in devotion to a lie.” Kerry said.

(Instead of “climate change fanaticism,” I prefer the term “climate cult,” which more succinctly describes the behavior of those who participate in such practices.)

Many Americans agree that climate hysterics display a certain religious fervor, with a Rasmussen poll in May revealing that 60 percent of likely U.S. voters agree with the statement: “Climate change has become a religion that ‘actually has nothing to do with the climate’ and is really about power and control.”

In the end, the climate cult, including Kerry, believes that man himself is the ultimate villain, hurling the Earth into the inevitable climate-change abyss.

“And while they refuse to accept the facts behind the increasingly obvious damages of the climate crisis, they lash out at the truth tellers, and label indisputable evidence as hysteria. They compound the already difficult challenge of the climate crisis by promising to do more of exactly what created the crisis in the first place. So now, humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself—by those seducing people into buying into a completely fictitious alternative reality where we don’t need to act and we don’t even need to care,” Kerry observed.

So, a portion of mankind believes certain “lies” that it’s not truly ruining the environment? How long will it be until Kerry and his like-minded brethren endorse doing away with the humans who don’t believe the climate lies he and the climate cult are spewing?

Also, does he really believe that he’s a “truth teller?”

Why did Kerry travel to Scotland to make this speech? Surely, it would have been less carbon intensive had he simply recorded his speech for the gathering. We know that the Kerry family has finally sold the private jet that they used to fly on, but even if he flew commercial, it’s still more carbon released into the atmosphere than necessary.

But those aren’t the questions that need to be asked, according to Kerry. It’s only your emissions that need to be contained — not his own.