Globalists Push Climate-change Controls, Open Borders

The CFR duo write: "McCain, who conspicuously avoided the words ‘climate change’ and ‘global warming’ when he accepted the Republican nomination, needs to reaffirm in no uncertain terms his commitment to vigorously combat climate change — and he needs to make his running mate do the same." According to Levi and Borgerson, "Palin should immediately and explicitly embrace McCain’s support for a mandatory cap-and-trade system."

The council, which has been one of the leading think tanks promoting climate-change alarmism, is also continuing its push for open borders. In September, the CFR issued a new report, The Closing of the American Border: Terrorism, Immigration, and Security Since 9/11, by its Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellow Edward Alden. While polls show most Americans are upset that the Bush administration has refused to secure our borders since 9/11, the CFR believes we have gone too far.

According to Alden, instead of building "new lines of defense that could keep out terrorists without stifling the flow of people and ideas from abroad," the government "created an obstacle course that has made it vastly harder for people from across the world to come to the United States, hurting America’s image abroad and damaging its economic prospects at home."

The council calls Alden’s book "a striking and persuasive assessment of the dangers faced by a United States that cuts itself off from the rest of the world, making it increasingly difficult for others to come here."