Harvey Barrison/Wikimedia Commons
Mount Washington, N.H.
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

On Friday, New Hampshire’s Mount Washington experienced the kind of cold that an intrepid astronaut might experience on the surface of Mars. An Arctic blast of frigid weather saw thermometers dip to minus 46 degrees, with sustained winds near 100 mph and gusts reaching over 125 mph. This meant that the wind chill reached a South Pole-like minus 110 degrees, a new record for the United States.

But isn’t the planet currently experiencing dangerous warming due to mankind’s emissions of fossil fuels? No less an authority than NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory informs us that “our Earth has a fever. And scientists believe Earth’s temperature could rise by 3 to 10 degrees [Fahrenheit] this century.”

How can it be that a planet that has a literal fever, according to NASA, could produce such bone-chilling weather?

“I want to emphasize the danger of this cold,” stated Alexis George, a Mount Washington weather observer. “In these brutally cold conditions, the risk of hypothermia and frostbite will be exponential.”

“These frigid cold conditions will quickly rob you of body heat, with the possibility that frostbite could develop on exposed skin in under a minute,” George continued. “Even small mistakes can prove deadly, with a simple slip or fogged goggles leading to a potentially life-threatening situation. In this type of weather, rescue services will have a difficult time responding to any emergency effectively.”

Absolutely right. But shouldn’t events such as this be a thing of the past? You know, with the Earth having a fever and all?

Indeed, a study not yet two years old informed us that climate change produced by global warming had already come to Mount Washington in particular — but it wasn’t the cold kind of climate change. Boston.com claimed that it was “the first time scientists have been able to definitively prove that the increased temperature patterns were caused by climate change.”

The study purported that yearly average temperatures on Mount Washington had risen by 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit from 1935 until 2018.

It noted: “Examination of climate-change indicators at 2 proximate sites at different elevations on Mount Washington revealed that significant changes are detectable across multiple climate indicators including temperature, snow metrics, and length of growing season. Positive trends in temperature (warming) and negative trends in snow metrics (loss) are similar to those observed in other studies at broader scales.”

One has to wonder how a temperature reading of minus-46 degrees and a wind chill factor of minus-110 degrees might affect those “warming” temperature trends.

It would hardly be the first time that the climate cult has attempted to convince the world that extreme cold is actually being driven by global warming.

In 2018, no less a climate authority than carbon-credit salesman Al Gore told us that a so-called “bomb cyclone” that blasted the northeast was just what we should expect from global warming.

“It’s bitter cold in parts of the U.S., but climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann explains that’s exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis,” Gore noted.

Michael Mann, of course, is the same “Mike” of the “Climategate” email scandal. U.K. climate scientist Phil Jones referenced “Mike’s nature trick,” which referred to using reconstructed temperature data until 1961, then filling in the remaining years using actual temperature data. The resulting graph is known as the “hockey stick” graph, which featured prominently in Gore’s 2006 film An Inconvenient Truth. The “hockey stick” graph showed what could be regarded as an alarming temperature rise in the present day.

The “hockey stick” graph was largely discredited, but not until after it had been shown to hundreds of millions of people and represented as fact.

Scientists like Marlene Kretschmer at the Potsdam Climate Institute and Judah Cohen at MIT are furiously looking at ways to connect extreme cold weather events to global warming.

“There’s a lot of agreement that the Arctic plays a role; it’s just not known exactly how much,” Kretschmer has said. “We’re trying to understand these dynamic processes that lead to cold winters.”

But “understanding” those processes isn’t really the point, is it? In today’s world, the accusation means more than the proof. For climate zealots, simply being able to claim that there’s a connection between man-made global warming and the type of bitter cold weather we saw at Mount Washington last week is the goal.

No matter how absurd it is.