Cold Summer: 1,025 Record Lows in First Three Weeks of August

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported in its Daily Weather Records for August 23 that during the three-week period of August 1-21 more than a thousand records were broken across the United States for low maximum temperatures.

The Sunshine Hours website summarized the NOAA data:

NOAA — 1025 Low Max Records Broken From Aug 1 to Aug 21. Some records Smashed by 16F

1025 Low Max Records Broken From Aug 1 to Aug 21 according to the NOAA.

A “Low Max” means that the maximum temperatures for the day was the lowest it has ever been.

This indicates daytime cooling.

Below is a screenshot showing location and the biggest difference between old record and new record.

Note that Dyer NV has 111 years of data. And the record was smashed by 16F.

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The NOAA Daily Weather Records for today, August 25, report that in the last 30 days there have been 331 U.S. “High Max” records set. However, there were 2,104 (more than six times as many) “Low Max” records set. The same NOAA page reports in its “Year to Date” section that 2014 has seen 7,053 High Max records set, but nearly three times that number (19,178) of Low Max records were set during the same period.

Going back a full year, NOAA further reports that in the last 365 days there have been 13,051 High Max records, but Low Max records (28,182) more than double that. Of course, we continue to see blazing headlines and breathless broadcasts from the establishment news media regarding every new high temperature record, but a near total blackout of the news of low temperature records.

Local news stations and newspapers are more likely to report these inconvenient facts that the “climate change” fear mongers in the national MSM willfully ignore. Hence, using a search engine, it is possible to find many online examples of local media outlets reporting on record low temperatures for their areas, as, for instance, this July 31, 2014 story from the Ozarks, “Joplin, West Plains Set New Weather Records,” from KOLR10 News:

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — The National Weather Service in Springfield says records were broken in two cities Thursday, as the unusually cool summer continues.

A record low maximum (high) temperature of 70 degrees was set Thursday at Joplin, breaking the old record of 73 set in 1971.

And a record low maximum temperature of 74 degrees was set yesterday at West Plains, breaking the old record of 76 set in 2009.

Oops! Mother Nature’s Gone Cool on the Warmists

The weather has not been cooperating with the advocates of Anthropogenic (human-caused) Global Warming (AGW) theory. As we have reported many times in The New American, contrary to the decades-long, incessant drumbeat of global-warming propaganda, the fact is that there has been no measurable global warming for the past 17 or 18 years (or perhaps 20-24 years, depending on the data sets used).

In a recent cover story (“Desperate Dash of Global Warming”) we noted:

The global temperature data show, contrary to all of the frantic predictions of the past two decades, that there has been no increase in global surface temperatures over at least the past 17 to 18 years! Lord Christopher Monckton, science advisor to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, points out that the Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit records show no warming for 19 or 20 years, and the Remote Sensing System (RSS) satellite dataset shows no warming for 24 years.

Millions of devotees still cling to the Al Gore AGW narrative, however, apparently ignorant of, or oblivious to, the fact that many of the top alarmist authorities have acknowledged that there has indeed been a “pause” in warming temperatures for at least 17 years.

We reported previously:

What’s more, many of the most prominent individual and institutional promoters of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming (AGW) alarmism have acknowledged that there has been no measurable global warming for the past 17 or 18 years. This includes the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); the Met Office (the U.K.’s national weather service); the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); NASA; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); and Professor Phil Jones, the former director of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, who was among the scientists exposed by the CRU’s infamous e-mail scandal known as “Climategate.”

To this lineup of alarmists who now admit to the pause, we could add the New York Times, the Washington Post, and many additional MSM denizens — most of which, after acknowledging the pause, have continued to crank out the apocalyptic fright peddling nonetheless, like an old phonograph record stuck on a scratchy groove.

Continued Cooling More Likely Than Warming

Dr. Judith Curry, formerly in the AGW alarmist camp, is among the many experts who not only acknowledge the pause, but even note there actually has been a cooling trend for the past decade or so. And there is reason to believe, they say, that this trend will continue for maybe a decade or more. Writing in her Climate Etc., blog this past June 14, Curry, who is a professor of climatology and chair of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, noted:

Attention in the public debate seems to be moving away from the 15-17 yr “pause” to the cooling since 2002 (note: I am receiving inquiries about this from journalists). This period since 2002 is scientifically interesting, since it coincides with the ‘climate shift’ circa 2001/2002 posited by Tsonis and others. This shift and the subsequent slight cooling trend provides a rationale for inferring a slight cooling trend over the next decade or so, rather than a flat trend from the 15 yr. “pause”.

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