Billionaires and Communists Plan “People’s Climate March”

With United Nations bosses gathering dictators and government representatives in New York next week for a “climate” summit amid the ongoing implosion of their man-made “global warming” theories, a coalition ranging from billionaire front groups to the Communist Party is planning what it calls “the People’s Climate March.” What critics refer to as the “global rent-a-mob,” organized in part by the Rockefeller-funded alarmist organization, claims the worldwide demonstrations demanding a UN global-warming regime will be “the largest climate rally in history.” They may well be, but that hardly changes the fact that most Americans reject failed anthropogenic global-warming (AGW) theories and that virtually every falsifiable “climate” prediction has been dead wrong.  

The “People’s” Climate March, not to be confused with the open-air gulag UN member-state known as the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, is set to take place on September 21, the day before UN “climate dignitaries” converge in New York to plot a new anti-carbon regime for humanity. As with many other pseudo-popular movements, the establishment-backed march is there to provide some semblance of public support for deeply unpopular policy machinations. In this case, the goals include carbon taxes, energy rationing, mass wealth redistribution from Western taxpayers to Third World dictators, further empowering the UN, and imposing a draconian planetary regime supposedly aimed at curbing “global warming” that will devastate the poor.

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It would be easy to assume that nobody bothered informing the organizers and their dupes that there has been no warming for 18 years and counting even as polar ice continues to hit new record-highs — defying every prediction and climate model advanced by the UN and its fellow warming alarmists over the last few decades. More likely, though, is that the establishment figures behind the “climate” coalition have ambitions that go far beyond stopping warming that, based on the undisputed temperature record, stopped almost two decades ago. “This is an invitation to change everything,” the People’s Climate March says on its website promoting the rallies. 

Everything? Well, almost. “With our future on the line and the whole world watching, we’ll take a stand to bend the course of history,” the promo for the march continues. “We’ll take to the streets to demand the world we know is within our reach: a world with an economy that works for people and the planet; a world safe from the ravages of climate change; a world with good jobs, clean air and water, and healthy communities.” Beyond New York City, the coalition is also planning “climate” demonstrations to “change everything” in London, Berlin, and other major cities. It remains unclear how many actual “people” will be turning out, but organizers claim it will be huge.

Among the groups partnering with the march are the Communist Party USA, the Socialist Party USA, numerous self-described socialist groups, Big Labor, the billionaire George “New World Order” Soros-funded, myriad Islamic groups, crony capitalists, pseudo-environmentalist establishment front groups, and many more. As U.S. Communist Party boss John Bachtell wrote in the CPUSA mouthpiece People’s World in a recent propaganda piece promoting its “People’s Climate March”: “Solutions to the climate crisis inevitably collide with the capitalist system.” In other words, to solve the fake “crisis,” prepare to lose your prosperity and your God-given rights.

Another one of the outfits partnering with the march, Socialist Alternative, also recently outlined the real agenda being advanced by socialists purporting to be concerned about non-existent warming: “solving climate change” with global socialism. According to the outfit’s Pete Ikeler, capitalism combined with fossil fuels now threatens “all advances” made by humanity over its history. The problems are allegedly so bad that perhaps “industrialization” was not such a good idea after all, he suggested. “The solution, therefore, … is the replacement of capitalism with a rational, planned, and democratic economy — otherwise known as socialism,” it says. “Humanity is indeed at a crossroads — and capitalism is in the way. We urge all members of the 99% to join in the struggle for system change to stop climate change.”

Amplified by Russian state-owned propaganda outlets and Western propagandists styling themselves “journalists,” People’s March organizers, echoing UN talking points, claim to be creating the necessary momentum to provide enough cover for globalists to foist their climate regime on humanity. “The People’s Climate March can be — and in many ways already is — creating a tipping point moment for the world,” reads a statement from event organizers quoted by Russia’s RIA Novosti. “There’s real power in this kind of human energy.”

The Rockefeller oil dynasty-funded outfit, which seeks to impose a draconian UN-run regime to reduce concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million, has previously organized major global-warming protests around the world. Unsurprisingly, the “green” AstroTurf (phony grassroots) machinations, which a recent Senate report once again confirmed are being bankrolled and used by what it called “the Billionaires’ Club,” always get plenty of establishment-media attention, too. However, the increasingly discredited “mainstream” press has consistently failed to tell the whole story.

For instance, take the basic premise behind the whole AGW edifice supposedly requiring global socialism: The notion that carbon dioxide — exhaled by humans and essential for plant life — is “pollution” that will supposedly lead to catastrophic warming. With no temperature increases for 18 years and counting even as CO2 levels grew, countless scientists who rely on the scientific method and observable evidence to reach conclusions concede that the theory must be incorrect. Dozens of excuses have been concocted to explain what alarmists refer to as the “pause” in global warming, including Obama’s favorite, the “Theory of the Ocean Ate My Global Warming.” The simplest explanation — the theory is wrong — remains off the table for the UN and most of its member regimes. 

Beyond the obvious problems with AGW theories, the notion that CO2 is harmful is considered ludicrous by respected scientists who study the issue. “CO2 is ‘the gas of life,’” explained Dr. Tom Segalstad, associate professor of resource and environmental geology and geochemistry at the University of Oslo. “The more CO2, the more life. More CO2 means we can feed more people on Earth. CO2 is contributing very little to the ‘greenhouse effect’. Clouds have much more influence on temperature.”

Dr. Segalstad is a contributing author with the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, or NIPCC, which produced a landmark survey of climate science and came to very different conclusions than the UN’s discredited “climate” fear-mongering reports. NIPCC lead author and meteorologist Dr. Madhav Khandekar, who also worked with the UN climate body until becoming outraged by its lack of interest in proper scientific review, also pointed out that human-added CO2 is not destabilizing the climate.

Even if CO2 were harmful “pollution,” rather than a beneficial and natural gas that is crucial to life on this planet, efforts to limit human emissions of the gas to control “climate” would still be beyond laughable. Water vapor, of course, is the primary “greenhouse gas” in the atmosphere, accounting for around 95 percent of the crucial-to-life so-called “greenhouse effect.” That gas is entirely beyond human control, and there is no dispute on any of those facts — even among the most devoted alarmists, whom critics ridicule as a “cult” for refusing to change their beliefs despite the undeniable evidence.

Carbon dioxide, meanwhile, accounts for about 0.04 percent of the gases present in Earth’s atmosphere. Of that, according to scientific estimates, less than 3.3 percent comes from human emissions such as the burning of fossil fuels. The vast majority comes from the oceans at around 42 percent, or the biosphere at about 55 percent — volcanoes, wild fires, decomposition, and more. In other words, around three percent of the “greenhouse gases” can be attributed to human activities. Of that tiny sliver attributed to humans, Americans are responsible for less than 20 percent.

None of that matters to the establishment forces whipping up “climate” hysteria to advance their own sinister objectives. Indeed, the “People’s Climate March” will hardly be the only global-warming alarmism event in New York City next week demanding UN “action.” Among other happenings, a pseudo-religious “climate” festival dubbed the “Religions For The Earth Conference” will be asking the gods to forgive humanity for its carbon sins. Separately, a coalition that includes top international mega-corporations, dubbed “The Climate Group,” will be organizing global-warming “awareness activities” all week as part of “Climate Week NYC.”   

As what top establishment figures refer to as “useful idiots” converge on New York to demand their own enslavement under the guise of stopping a demonstrably manufactured crisis, the Obama administration has already indicated that it plans to foist the UN climate regime on America by decree. Instead of obtaining Senate approval as required under the U.S. Constitution, the White House intends to use “executive action” to further devastate the U.S. economy and what remains of the market amid its absurd war on “the gas of life.” Americans, a solid majority of whom consistently reject discredited AGW theories, must ensure that their elected representatives take action to protect the public, the economy, and the Constitution from the lawless machinations. 

Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. He can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.

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