Angry Birds Movie 2 — Global-warming Propaganda for Tots

Can’t kids just be kids anymore? Of course not; they must be drafted into service as climate-change agents and social-justice warriors for the United Nations. That’s the message of The Angry Birds Movie 2, released in mid-August by Sony Pictures Entertainment. John Rego, vice president of sustainability, corporate responsibility and environmental affairs at Sony, took to the stage on August 27, the second day of the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference in Salt Lake City, to introduce a UN-themed trailer for the movie and to extol the company’s partnership with the global body. The movie sequel, which hopes to build on the phenomenal success of the original Angry Birds movie (2016), is shameless political propaganda aimed at activating children and youth for “climate action.” It is also a sick form of child abuse, as surveys have shown an alarming number of children are terrified that the world is about to end, to the point that they are having nightmares and anxiety attacks. But this does not seem to bother the folks at the UN, who profess a deep and abiding concern for the well-being of children.

“The United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC) is collaborating with Sony Pictures Entertainment and the UN Foundation in support of the UN ActNow climate campaign, a global call for citizen action on climate change,” a UN press release announced on July 10. “After the successful 2016 #AngryBirdsHappyPlanet campaign, the Angry Birds are joined this time around by their longtime enemies (turned ‘frenemies’) the pigs and are looking to spread awareness about individual actions we can all take to combat climate change,” the press statement continues.

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“As part of the campaign, a public service announcement is launching today starring the Angry Birds, the green piggies and the English-speaking voice cast behind the film The Angry Birds Movie 2. Together, they are encouraging citizens to discover and track simple everyday actions that can make a difference by using the UN’s innovative new online climate action tool, the ActNow Bot.”

“Climate change is already impacting our world today regardless of where we live,” said Maher Nasser, Director, Outreach Division, UN Department of Global Communications. “It is through climate action — built on cooperation and collaboration within and across communities — that we can confront the climate crisis. We see many people around the world sounding the alarm and demanding action by world leaders. We are grateful to the Angry Birds for adding their voice again to the call for each of us to lead by example and demonstrate that every action counts.”

In the movie trailer (above), the actors and actresses who provide the voices of the animated characters praise the United Nations and urge viewers to join in the UN’s efforts to save the planet. “The United Nations has a plan to help the earth, and they need all our help before it’s too late,” implores actress Rachel Bloom. “The Angry Birds Movie 2 is working with the United Nations on the ActNow campaign,” says Peter Dinklage. “We need you to act now!” declares Leslie Jones. “Every action we take counts toward protecting our planet,” asserts Sterling K. Brown.

What actions do they urge kids to take? The usual mantra: meat-free meals”; reduced electricity use; wear old clothes; drive less; reduce, reuse, recycle; etc. Of course, many, if not most, of the 5,000+ participants who came to the conference, flew here, apparently unconcerned about their carbon dioxide-spewing airplanes. And in spite of all the dire warnings about the “existential threat” of climate change, the conference has produced a sizable carbon footprint.  As is par for these UN events, the delegates were treated to luxurious (and “free” — taxpayer-provided) catered meals and snacks throughout the conference and free transportation on the city’s light rail system. And despite the constant hectoring to ban plastics and disposable containers, the conferees went through mountains of plastic plates, cups, and utensils, as well as disposable paper products.

During the closing plenary session of the conference on August 28, performers dressed as two of the main characters from Angry Birds, Red and Leonard, appeared on stage to help recap the dominant theme of the conference: anthropogenic (man-made) global warming is the “defining issue of our time.”

The Angry Birds Movie 2 release obviously was timed to help promote the UN’s Youth Climate Summit next month in New York on September 21 and the Climate Action Summit of world leaders on September 23. This amplified a main purpose of the UN Civil Society Conference in Salt Lake City, which is to recruit many young people to attend, with the aim of activating them to agitate for the UN “climate agenda.” That agenda includes support for the UN’s Paris Agreement, as well as support for state and local mandates to “save the world” from the supposed threats posed by carbon dioxide, the beneficial “gas of life.” Real science — as opposed to eco-propaganda posing as science — shows that the CO2 produced by human activity has a negligible impact on the planet’s climate, and that the constant hysteria and fearmongering of impending doom cannot be justified on scientific grounds.  (See here, here, here. and here.)

Kids as UN “Climate-change Agents”
The Sony/UN partnership on The Angry Birds Movie 2 is a continuation of a relationship that dates back to at least 2016 when then-Secretary-General of the UN Ban Ki-moon appointed Red of the Angry Birds as an Honorary Ambassador for Green at a launch event for the International Day of Happiness at UN Headquarters in New York.

“The United Nations today announced a campaign to encourage young people to step up their actions to address climate change and ensure a sustainable and happier future for all,” said the UN Secretary-General’s press announcement on March 18, 2016 “The campaign is launched in partnership with the Angry Birds — the globally renowned mobile game characters — to make a direct link between tackling climate change and people’s happiness and well-being on the occasion of the International Day of Happiness.”

The UN propaganda push aimed at children and youth has been ongoing for years. We reported in 2012, for instance (UN Summit: Transforming Your Kids into “Climate Change Agents” ) on UNICEF’s curriculum guide entitled Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in the Education Sector: Resource Manual that was heavily promoted at the UN’s 2012 Climate Conference in Doha, Qatar. The UNICEF manual is now used in schools across the planet. The purpose of the Resource Manual, we are told on page 11 of the text, is “to help children become agents of change.” The term “agents of change” is used five times in the manual. In addition, it twice refers to “adolescents as climate change agents,” and describes “the role of youth themselves as change agents in sustainable development.”

Of course, millions of school children have grown up over the past decade marinating in global-warming classroom propaganda, including repeatedly being forced to endure Al Gore’s discredited “documentary,” An Inconvenient Truth.

Thanks to Sony, the UN and The Angry Birds Movie 2, even the preschool set can now be given nightmares about a melting planet.

Image: Screenshot of trailer for The Angry Birds Movie 2 from

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VIDEO: UN Civil Society Conference – A False Representation of the People (Day 1 Salt Lake City UN Civil Society Summit)
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VIDEO: Final Day – UN Document Pre-Drafted to Give Illusion of Consensus (Day 3 Salt Lake City UN Civil Society Summit)
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