Wisconsin School District Faces Scrutiny Over Trans Bathroom Policy

Schoolchildren are being assaulted by people who insist on indulging perverse sexual fictions about themselves. A serious allegation has been brought against a Wisconsin high schooler — an 18-year-old male — who in March is said to have walked into a girls’ locker room, where several 14-year-old freshmen girls were showering in their swimsuits after P.E. class. He declared he was “trans” and disrobed. This adult allegedly exposed himself to the four girls, who are minors.

Dan Lennington is deputy counsel of the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL).  On Fox News, he called the situation shocking and went on to describe the outrageous aftermath:

But what’s more shocking is that this school district was totally inadequate in their response. Title IX prohibits sexual harassment and requires school districts to require a number of supportive measures and investigations. But these teachers, administrators, did not even investigate this matter the next week. And when the parents finally started to email about this and call about this, the school district couldn’t even identify the policy. No one could tell the parents what is the rule, what is the policy. And it wasn’t even until a month after the incident that the school district actually sat down with the parents. That’s a real shame. There’s no clear policy here. And this could be going on in schools all across the country.

Title IX, to which Lennington referred, prohibits sexual discrimination and harassment in educational settings. Schools which receive federal funds must comply with Title IX. Moreover, if the senior student was 18 at the time of the incident, he could face criminal charges.

In a detailed letter explaining the situation, WILL accused the school district of gross neglect. According to the letter: “Under federal law, the incident should have been reported to the Title IX coordinator, who should have then contacted the girls, offered supportive measures, and provided them an opportunity to file a complaint.… No one from the District contacted any of the girls’ parents at that time, and no one investigated. To be clear, that means that the District’s initial response to this incident violated Title IX.”

More than a month after the indecent exposure, school officials finally met with parents who had raised concerns. Even later the principal issued a veiled admission when he apologized via email to a parent and said the incident “should not have happened.”

It was about this time that school administrators produced a “guidance document” about restroom accessibility. Attorneys say they are unable to find evidence that it existed or was in force when the incident occurred. However, under this “guidance document, males may still use the girls’ locker room … without any regard for the privacy or comfort of female students.” If girls desire more privacy, they are directed to use a separate bathroom or locker room. WILL is requesting records about the episode.  

Last weekend, the school district issued a press release claiming certain media accounts are “ill-informed, inaccurate and incomplete.” It says that the incident should not have happened, but that the district addressed it “long before” recent publicity.

However, the final paragraph of the press release is damning. It reads in part: “Districts must balance the dual goals of supporting transitioning students while also protecting the privacy interests of all students.” In other words, the administration plans to continue abandoning students to perverse fictions, mental illness, and statutory assault.